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ghantoos edited this page Oct 8, 2014 · 1 revision

Building the RPM from the source tar.gz (lshell >= 0.9.7)

This part is applicable as of lshell version 0.9.7.

In order to build your RPM using the source tar.gz:

$ wget
$ sudo rpmbuild -tb lshell-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

The generated RPM would then be found here:


Thank you Michael Mansour for this excellent tip!

Building the RPM using the SPEC file (lshell < 0.9.7)

This part is deprecated as of lshell version 0.9.7.

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to create your own lshell RPM:

  • download lshell's source file (i.e lshell-X.Y.Z.tar.gz) and save it in
  • Download and save the SPEC file (replace "X.Y.Z" with your version number):
  • Create your rpm using the following command (as root):
rpmbuild -bb lshell.spec
  • You should find your new RPM in: