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DevOps Hobbies devopshobbies
Open Source Devops Community

United Kingdom

Vigen Pouya 47vigen

@snapp-grocery Iran, Tehran

Roohan federicoalbanese
Bug Bug Bug !!! :)


Eric Azimi azimidev
Tech Lead Software Engineer | Lead Full Stack Web Developer

@laravel @rails @vuejs @reactjs @golang London, UK

Kamyar Gerami kamyargerami
Back-end developer


Farideh Ghani FaridehGhani
Software Engineer

On Berlin, Germany

Jadi jadijadi
Into freedom
Loris Leiva lorisleiva
Hi there my geeky friends! 👋🦄

@anza-xyz Brighton, United Kingdom

Leaf leafsphp
Building tools which help you create clean, simple but powerful web applications and APIs superfast ⚡️
Simon Frings SimonFrings
Software developer, working on @reactphp 🚀

~Aachen, Germany

Christian Lück clue
Maintainer of @reactphp. Creator of Framework X. Head of @clue-engineering. Professional software engineer using open source to empower web-based projects.

~Aachen, Germany

Reza Maghoul IVIR3zaM
A Software Engineer seeks scalability and performance challenges in his career. Can cook robust well-defined software solutions with cutting-edge technology

Newstore Berlin

Alexander G. rennokki
Full Stack Engineer | Hyper-focused 👀 | Startup-oriented ✨ | Changing the world with <code />

@thecodefatherco Romania

Shetab shetabit
Software Development Company


Jess Archer jessarcher
Laravel core team

@laravel Brisbane, Australia

RoadRunner roadrunner-server
RoadRunner is high-performance PHP application server and process manager written in Go and powered with plugins

United States of America

walkor walkor

ReactPHP reactphp
Event-driven, non-blocking I/O with PHP.
Nikita Popov nikic

Red Hat Berlin, Germany

Norman Huth Muetze42

KOSATEC Computer GmbH Germany

PEST pestphp
Pest is an elegant PHP testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, meticulously designed to bring back the joy of testing in PHP.
Sebastian Bergmann sebastianbergmann
Sebastian Bergmann is the creator of PHPUnit. He co-founded and helps PHP teams build better software.

@thePHPcc Siegburg, Germany

Claudio Dekker claudiodekker
Artisan @laravel ❯ Open-source enthusiast ❯ VILT is my stack

@ubient Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mior Muhammad Zaki crynobone
Software Developer @laravel

@laravel Malaysia

James Brooks jbrooksuk
Engineering Team Lead @laravel. Founder of @cachethq 🚦 Creator of

@laravel United Kingdom

Joseph Silber JosephSilber
Jack of all trades, master of some.
Tetiana Blindaruk TBlindaruk
Software Developer. Certified Laravel | PHP | Magento Developer. Looking for a new opportunity

@pdffiller / @SignNowInc Ukraine

Dries Vints driesvints
👨‍🚀 @laravel Core Team • 💻 Building @laravelio & @eventyio • ⭐️ @github Star • 💸 @stripe Community Expert

@laravel Belgium

Matt Stauffer mattstauffer
CEO at @tighten. Podcaster (Laravel Podcast, Business of Laravel), open source maintainer, blogger, etc.

Tighten (@tighten) Atlanta, GA

Freek Van der Herten freekmurze
Developer at @spatie

@spatie Antwerp, Belgium

Agli Pançi aglipanci
Software Engineer


Italo DarkGhostHunter
Does things. Break things. Does them again.


Nuno Maduro nunomaduro
@laravel core member — created @pestphp, @laravel-zero, collision, larastan, pint, @openai for php, @phpinsights, termwind, and more.

@laravel Portugal

Barry vd. Heuvel barryvdh
Webdeveloper, mainly using Laravel and Magento. Creator of Open Source packages and CTO of

@fruitcake Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands

Nicolas Widart nWidart
Freelance developer & consultant. Laravel specialist. Spring fan. React and Vue user. Open-source advocate. New technologies geek. Apple fan. @AsgardCms creator

Freelance (available) Namur, Belgium

Spatie spatie
We create open source, digital products and courses for the developer community

Antwerp, Belgium

Dayle Rees daylerees

@utilitywarehouse Wales, UK

Jeffrey Way JeffreyWay
Laracasts owner.

Laracasts Winter Park, FL

Graham Campbell GrahamCampbell
OSS Maintainer | Laravel | StyleCI

Graham Campbell Technology Ltd York, United Kingdom

Taylor Otwell taylorotwell
Creator of @laravel.

Laravel Little Rock, AR

Chris Fidao fideloper
Slinging bytes through servers @laravel. Side things: @Servers-for-Hackers @chipperci @cloudcastsapp

Laravel Connecticut

Marcel Pociot mpociot

Beyond Code GmbH Germany