When using read.csv.sql if there are problems with the last column in the input that increases the chance that there are end of line problems.
read.csv.sql has an eol= argument which can specify the end of line character(s). It is automatically set to \r\n on Windows and \n otherwise but a file can have non-default line endings. One can check the line endings of a file using this from the shell or Windows cmd line (not from R):
file myfile
Another potential problem is a missing eol character(s) on the last line. This can be checked with the following which will return a number greater than 0 if there is a eol on the last line.
tail -c1 myfile | wc -l
On Windows these commands can be found in C:\Rtools42\usr\bin if Rtools for R 4.2 is installed. See
On Linux the unix2dos and dos2unix (or on some systems fromdos and todos) can convert line endings. On Windows binaries are available at .