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Dictionary Path

Problem statement

Given two words (start and end) and a dictionary, find the length of the shortest transformation sequence from start to end, such that:

Only one letter can be changed at a time Each intermediate word must exist in the given dictionary At each step, exactly one character is replaced by another character

For example:

start="hit" end="cog" dictionary=["hit", "dog", "dot", "cog", "hot", "log"]

As one of the shortest transformations is: ("hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog") return its length 4.


  • All words have the same length
  • All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters
  • You may hardcode example data into your app, no need to read input/files


Install dependencies by typing: yarn install.


yarn test to run all tests yarn test:coverage to run all tests and coverage yarn start to run the example


How did you approach solving this problem?

  • Step1: I've read the problem statement. Since when I studied mathematics, I have observed that the problem statement guides to the solution. Some key-words/phrases I extracted at this stage are: shortest transformations length, one letter can be changed at a time. I checked the example, tried to find patterns. I decided to start from the dictionary. Since a valid transformation is one between two words that belong to the dictionary if they only differ in exactly one letter, then I moved on to represent the data as a known structure. My data are the:

    • the dictionary
    • the start word (must belong in the dictionary)
    • the end word (must belong in the dictionary) The obvious approach is to have the dictionary words as vertices that connected with unweighted edges if they differ exactly by one letter. Comparison happens on each character of the words at same position. All the words have the same length. So the data structure to use would naturally be a graph. I know how to represent a set of data as a graph G=(V,E) where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges, we can use:
    • adjacency matrix:
      • space complexity: O(|V|^2), |V|: size of vertices set, |E|: size of edges set
      • time complexity:
        • query for edges/remove edge: O(1)
        • add new vertex: O(|V|^2)
      • if graph is sparse (few edges) consumes same amount of memory
    • adjacency list:
      • space complexity: O(|V|+|E|), |V|: size of vertices set, |E|: size of edges set
      • time complexity:
        • query for edges/remove edge: O(n)
        • add new vertex: O(1)

    Each one has its own advantages/disadvantages. Adjacency lists seem a better solution for memory usage, but adjacency matrix is more efficient to find relationships in graph. For small dictionaries like the one in example selecting matrix or list doesn't make much difference. If the dictionary is really big, then lists are better choice but matrix has better access times. I have decided to go with lists.

    The problem statement asks for the shortest path. How can this be proved? Since I use a graph, I'll have to go with mathematical proven algorithms regarding the shortest characteristic. A little research shows that a BFS (Breadth First Search), when the graph is unweighted is mathematically proven that gives the shortest path between two nodes of the graph.

  • Step2: Code structuring. At this step I took decisions about how to structure my code files. I have a data/ folder to save dictionaries. A lib/ folder to add all the appropriate files for the project. A test/ directory to add the test files. I decided to use ES6 JavaScript as coding language. So I have used ESLint to catch common errors while typing. And I have used Prettier to auto format the code. I used Mocha, Chai and nyc (previously Istanbul) for test runner, assert library and code coverage respectively. I have set up some scripts in package.json to help with running tests and coverage. Also a script initializes the eslint configuration. The lib/ directory eventually has the form:

    • lib/
      • common/ (common utilities)
      • graph-generators/ (graph generators to produce graph from dictionary)
      • models/ (models to use in program like nodes)
      • solution/ (the solution class of the problem)
    • test/ (contains test files)
  • Step3: Write tests and coding. Firstly, I abstract the graph node/vertex to its own class. This is the base to construct a graph. The graph it's just an array of nodes. In order to create a graph from a dictionary, there is a class named WordsGraphGenerator that contains two methods:

    • .buildGraphFromSmallDict() creates a graph when a dictionary considered of small cardinality. By testing I've seen noticable delays in graph construction if the given dictionary has i.e. >5000 words. This method creates a graph by iterating the dictionary and compare each word with others and if the compared words have one letter only difference an edge is created between them.
    • .buildGraphFromBigDict() creates a graph when a dictionary considered of big cardinality. Part of this method was figured out during my initial analysis phase when designing things on paper. TBH I didn't checked at first if the method would be more efficient from the first one in case of big dictionaries. That became apparent when searching for a BFS pseudo-code to create the traversal algorithm I saw another analysis that contained that method explanation. And I decided to code it. The concept is that we can create classes (like categories) that will contain words that differ exactly by one letter. These classes are created by getting a word and iterate on its letters nad each time remove one letter and replace it with a wildcard. Then add all words that appear while iterating the dictionary in appropriate class. Finally, these classes contain words that differ exactly by one letter so can iterate on these lists separately and create edges between their members. Then, I have created a class that will contain the solution of the problem named DictionaryPath. Uses the .createGraphFromSmallDict() to create a graph for a small dictionary and the .createGraphFromBigDict() to build a graph for a big dictionary. These methods must be called either the first or the other, before we use the .findShortestPath(start, end) method to get the length of transformation sequence from start to end. This method uses the BFS algorithm to traverse the graph. We use a queue to keep track the graph nodes and enhanced the Node model with a visited and parent attributes. While traversing the graph these information is populated. At the end, by traversing recursively the parents starting from the end-node we build the transformations sequence and get its length. Most tests have been written after coding.

How did you check that your solution is correct?

I have written several tests. Firstly, I've checked that WordsGraphGenerator creates a valid graph. That is a graph that contains the same number of nodes as the words in dictionary, and all the words in dictionary are in graph. Then I write some tests for solution class DictionaryPath. To verify solution I get the given example and known answer for given inputs and code tests using that knowledge. Also I have included another dictionary with other words of different length from the previous one to verify that solution works for other cases also, by adding similar tests. Regarding the shortest attribute I have used a well-known algorithm, BFS, that is mathematically proved that finds shortest path when graph is unweighted.

Specify any assumptions that you have made.

  • words same length / lowercase alphabetic characters
  • some tests may need this.timeout(0) to disable test timeout according to machine performance. In my machine the tests that needed this option is already being set.


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