Customized Underlying Raspbian Operating System for the Umbrel box (based on
- Run
sudo ./
- Look in deploy/
- Use etcher to deploy
Alternatively, you may check the latest release too and you may find the image built automatically by github (upon tagging).
Hostname: umbrel.local Username: umbrel Password: umbr3lb0x
You may also find them here
In the config file there are system defaults, which are used when building the image and for automated builds.
- GITHUB_USERNAME - Used if you want to automatically log in to the box without typing a password. This is used at build time.
Then theres other raspbian stuff, that you may find in the Raspbian documentation which will still work.
For building an API (or scripting), look in /home/umbrel/statuses for the following files
- disk-partitioned : meaning the disk is partitioned
- service-configured : meaning the umbrel system bootup service is configured and running.
(To add more later as needed)
There is some console commands you can run.
docker exec -it "${USER}_lnd_1" lncli getinfo
docker exec -it "${USER}_lnd_1" lncli walletbalance
docker exec -it "${USER}_lnd_1" lncli listchannels
# where XXX = sats per byte and YYY = the amount
docker exec -it "${USER}_lnd_1" lncli connect pubkey@host:port
docker exec -it "${USER}_lnd_1" lncli open --sat_per_byte=XXX pubkey YYY
# Return value is the txid
See the following list