This repository contains a vignette illustrating the "simultaneous count model" approach from Simultaneous‐count models to estimate abundance from counts of unmarked individuals with imperfect detection, Conservation Biology 33(3) 697—708, G.E. Ryan et al. 2019. (Code for that paper is at this repository)
A pdf of this vignette illustrates the model and shows the results output. Best downloaded to view.
To run through the vignette analyses yourself, use the R-markdown file scm_vignette.Rmd
. You must use RStudio with the R-markdown file. (More on R-markdown files here.)
A rendered html version is also available. You might not be able to knit the Rmd file successfully because the large amout of JAGS output while the model is fitting seems to cause knitr
it to freeze. So you may not be able to successfully recreate these rendered pdf and html files from your Rmd file, however you should be able to complete the analyses without a problem.