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Work Hours Calculator CLI

Manually calculating work hours, breaks, and net hours in a spreadsheet can be tedious and prone to errors. To streamline the process and ensure accuracy, I created this CLI tool to handle the calculations quickly and easily.


This is a Ruby command-line tool for calculating the total work hours, break hours, and net work hours (after subtracting breaks) based on provided work start time, end time, and break periods.


  • Calculate total work hours between start and end times.
  • Account for multiple break periods.
  • Return net work hours after subtracting break times.
  • Return net break hours.
  • Support for csv import or export.
  • Log your work hours for the day.


gem install work_hours_calculator


To calculate your work hours, run the following command:

work_calculator -s "9:30:00 AM" -e "7:00:00 PM" -b "12:49:00 PM-1:26:00 PM,3:42:00 PM-4:35:00 PM"

Expected Output

Total Work Decimal Hours: 9.5 hours
Total Break Decimal Hours: 1.5 hours
Total Break Hours: 1:30 minutes
Net Work Decimal Hours: 8.0 hours

Using CSV Input

You can also use a CSV file to provide the input data. The CSV file should have the following format:

9:00 AM,5:00 PM,"12:00 PM-12:30 PM,3:00 PM-3:15 PM"

To calculate your work hours using a CSV file, run the following command:

work_calculator --csv-input path/to/your/input.csv

Exporting Results to CSV

You can export the results to a CSV file by specifying the --csv-output option:

work_calculator -s "9:30:00 AM" -e "7:00:00 PM" -b "12:49:00 PM-1:26:00 PM,3:42:00 PM-4:35:00 PM" --csv-output path/to/your/output.csv

Logging Work Hours for the Day

You can log your work hours throughout the day, much like a diary of your work. To log your work, run the following command:

work_calculator --log some-description-goes-here


work_calculator --log "working on an interesting project"
# > Logged work: 2025-02-22 19:47:24 - working on an interesting project

work_calculator --log "break"
# > Logged work: 2025-02-22 19:48:11 - break

work_calculator --log "end"
# > Logged work: 2025-02-22 19:50:01 - end

Please note of the system keywords for the description:

  • "break" : considered the record log as a break
  • "end" : considered the record log as finished or has ended work for the day.

Calculate the hours from your work log

work_calculator --calculate-log "2025-02-22"
# > Total Work Decimal Hours: 3.2 hours
# > Total Break Decimal Hours: 2.15 hours
# > Total Break Hours: 2:09 minutes
# > Net Work Decimal Hours: 1.05 hours


Run the script from the command line with the required options for start time, end time, and break periods.

Command Line Options

Option Description Example
-s or --start-time Specifies the work start time -s "9:30:00 AM"
-e or --end-time Specifies the work end time -e "6:00:00 PM"
-b or --breaks Specifies break periods in comma-separated start_time-end_time format -b "12:49:00 PM-1:26:00 PM,3:42:00 PM-4:35:00 PM"
-i, --csv-input Specifies the CSV input file --csv-input path/to/your/input.csvs
-o, --csv-output Specifies the CSV output file --csv-output path/to/your/output.csv
-l, --log DESCRIPTION Log work with description --log "working on a project"
-dir, --log-dir DIRECTORY Specify a directory to store log files --lod-dir

or export it as an ENV variable so you don't have to specify the directory arg everytime.
export WORK_HOURS_LOG_DIR="/some/path"
-t, --calculate-log DATE Calculate hours from the log file for the specified date (e.g., '2023-10-01') --calculate-log 2025-02-01
-h or --help Displays help instructions -h


  • Add support for overtimes
  • Add support for daily or weekly or monthly summary for csv inputs


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


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Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the WorkHoursCalculator project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.