Releases: geosiris-technologies/energyml-python
Releases · geosiris-technologies/energyml-python
- improving @as_dor function and make it work with uris and dict
- avoid NaN in json serialization
- making @get_class_fields working for C++ proxy objects
- Bugfix
- random object generation was failing with dates. Now it works.
- epc.as_dor(...) function was not setting "content_type" attribute
possibility to add object to an existing epc instance
bugfix for vertical Axis
allow python 3.9
- New poetry scripts
- Mesh reading of resqml22.Grid2dRepresentation (WIP)
Epc is now a workspace
Utility functions to ease the creation of an epc from scratch
Removing crs ZincreasingDownard displacement in default Grid2D read. The CRS displacement has been moved in a specific function
SubRepresentation read as Mesh
Release Notes:
- New functions to ease the creation of an epc file from scratch (create rels to link h5 file to an externalPartReference etc.)
Release Notes:
- New feature: geojson export (no WGS84 conversion is done. Surfaces are written as they are)
Release Notes:
bugfix for date
exception will not be raise for a notFound CRS during mesh reading.
An error is now printed for UnknownProperty exception during xml parsing (case of xsi:type filled without namespace specified)
epc improvement, bugfix in mesh reading
new tests
adding uri class
json serialization/deserialization for OSDU official version
using logging
- Abstraction in external array reading to anticipate the potential use of ETP instead of local file reading.
- Bugfix in mesh loading