A bidirectional path tracer written in object oriented C.
- Gloss - My Bidirectional Path Tracer
- Object Oriented C
- Restructured Code And Glossy Reflections
- Generating Tangents From A Normal
- Materials
- Seems I had misunderstood diffuse relfection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffuse_reflection The BRDF function is correct, dot(normal, lightDir) But the importance sampling whould prioritize the normal of the surface, and drop to 0 at the tangent, just like the BRDF.
- Fresnel term
- Texturing
- Procedural
- Bitmapped
- Refraction
- Dispersion
- "Directionality" of emitted light
- Recursive geometry - fractals
- Better camera model
- Depth Of Field
- Lens flare / bloom
- Tone mapping