A patched font for icons support.
nvim-treesitter with the markdown
and markdown_inline
parsers installed.
ensure_installed = {
sync_install = true,
To enable support for tags and wiki links you need to build the markdown_inline
parser by yourself with the right extension enabled. The tree-sitter
command line tool and node.js
must be installed first:
$ git clone https://github.com/tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-markdown/
$ cd tree-sitter-markdown/tree-sitter-markdown-inline
$ ALL_EXTENSIONS=1 tree-sitter generate
$ tree-sitter build --output markdown_inline.so .
$ cp markdown_inline.so /your/parser/directory
Also be sure to have your parser directory come before anything else in your runtimepath
Then check with following command:
:for p in nvim_get_runtime_file('parser/*.so', v:true) | echo p | endfor
Your custom parsers must appear before any parser bundled by default with Neovim.
Rendering is done as soon as you open a markdown file. Use the :Glare
command to toggle rendering for the current buffer.
Code block background.GlareCodeinlineBg
Inline code background.GlareLinkIcon
Link icon.GlareWikilinkIcon
Wikilink icon.GlareImageIcon
Image icon.GlareListMarker
List marker.GlareTasklistMarkerChecked
Tasklist checked icon.GlareTasklistMarkerUnchecked
Tasklist unchecked icon.GlareMetadataMarker
Metadata marker.GlareSeparator
Blockquote marker.GlareHeadingUnderline
Heading underline.GlareHeadingLineAbove
Heading line above.GlareTagIcon
Tag icon.GlareTagBg
Tag background.GlareCalloutText
Callout text.
glare.opt.verbosity = vim.log.levels.INFO
glare.opt.blockquote.marker = "▋ "
glare.opt.codeblock.padding = " "
glare.opt.link.icon_internal = ""
glare.opt.link.icon_external = ""
glare.opt.link.icon_position = "left" -- left or right
glare.opt.wikilink.icon = ""
glare.opt.wikilink.icon_position = "left" -- left or right
glare.opt.image.icon = ""
glare.opt.image.icon_position = "left" -- left or right
glare.opt.list.markers = { "∙" }
glare.opt.tasklist.icon_checked = ""
glare.opt.tasklist.icon_unchecked = ""
glare.opt.metadata.marker = "🭷"
glare.opt.separator.marker = "🭷"
glare.opt.tag.icon = " "
glare.opt.tag.padding = " "
-- add empty virtual lines above every heading
glare.opt.heading.lines_above = 1
glare.opt.heading.underlines.h1 = "━"
glare.opt.heading.underlines.h2 = "━"
glare.opt.heading.underlines.h3 = "🭷"
glare.opt.heading.underlines.h4 = "─"
glare.opt.heading.underlines.h5 = "┄"
glare.opt.heading.underlines.h6 = "┄"
glare.opt.callout.abstract = { overlay = " Abstract", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.attention = { overlay = " Attention", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.bug = { overlay = " Bug", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.caution = { overlay = " Caution", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.check = { overlay = " Check", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.cite = { overlay = " Cite", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.danger = { overlay = " Danger", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.done = { overlay = " Done", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.error = { overlay = " Error", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.example = { overlay = " Example", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.failure = { overlay = " Failure", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.fail = { overlay = " Fail", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.faq = { overlay = " Faq", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.help = { overlay = " Help", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.hint = { overlay = " Hint", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.important = { overlay = " Important", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.info = { overlay = " Info", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.missing = { overlay = " Missing", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.note = { overlay = " Note", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.question = { overlay = " Question", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.quote = { overlay = " Quote", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.success = { overlay = " Success", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.summary = { overlay = " Summary", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.tip = { overlay = " Tip", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.tldr = { overlay = " Tldr", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.todo = { overlay = " Todo", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
glare.opt.callout.warning = { overlay = " Warning", hlgroup = "GlareCalloutText" }
- Table rendering.
- Different icons for nested lists.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.