- null: no value
- boolean: a binary value
- int: 32-bit signed integer
- long: 64-bit signed integer
- float: single precision (32-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
- double: double precision (64-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
- bytes: sequence of 8-bit unsigned bytes
- string: unicode character sequence
- records
- enum
- map
- fixed
- union
- array
Let file schema.avsc
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields" : [
{"name": "username", "type": "string"},
{"name": "age", "type": "int"},
{"name": "verified", "type": "boolean", "default": "false"}
Then, encode record according to the schema above as:
Erlang R16B01 (erts-5.10.2) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.10.2 (abort with ^G)
1> Schema = eavro:read_schema("schema.avsc").
2> eavro:encode(Schema, [<<"John">>, 23, true]).
Encode value of union type require explicit type specification when encoding:
1> rr(eavro).
2> eavro:encode([int, string], {int, 1}).
3> eavro:encode([int, string], {string, <<"blah">>}).
4> eavro:encode(#avro_array{ items = [int, string] }, [{int, 1}, {string, <<"blah">>}]).
5> eavro:decode(#avro_array{ items = [int, string] }, <<4,0,2,2,8,98,108,97,104,0>>).
6> RecType = #avro_record{ name = some_struct, fields = [{field1, int}] }.
#avro_record{name = some_struct,fields = [{field1,int}]}
7> eavro:encode(#avro_array{ items = [int, string, RecType] }, [{int, 1}, {string, <<"blah">>}, {RecType, [37337] }]).
8> eavro:decode(#avro_array{ items = [int, string, RecType] }, <<6,0,2,2,8,98,108,97,104,4,178,199,4,0>>).
Read data from Avro binary file in an OCF format:
2> rr(eavro).
3> rp(eavro:read_ocf("test/data/transformers.avro")).
{#avro_record{name = transformer_schema,
fields = [{<<"fname">>,string},
#avro_enum{name = 'Location',
symbols = ['Earth','Moon','March','Venus','Jupiter',
#avro_map{values = #avro_record{name = 'Equipment',
fields = [{<<"name">>,string},{<<"weight">>,int}]}}}]},
Please note how data is returned:
- the first element of a binary tuple is a schema extracted from OCF header
- the second element contains a list of blocks, where each block is a list on schema instances - in our case these are records whose data represented as list of values, that is why we see a deep list structure in a result.
It would be easy to remove such a deep list structure, i.e block lists, but it would lead to use of '++' operator which is not good for performance, hence it was decided to keep block division structure in a result.
The same reason affected to a 'map' type decoding result.
Read data from Avro binary file in an OCF format using eavro_ocf_zcodec:
1> rr(eavro).
2> eavro_ocf_zcodec:read_ocf_with(
2> "test/data/transformers-deflated.avro",
2> fun(Schema, ZInstances) ->
2> ZInstances
2> end).
3> eavro_ocf_zcodec:read_ocf_with(
3> "test/data/transformers-deflated.avro",
3> fun(Schema, ZInstances) ->
3> zlists:count(ZInstances)
3> end).
4> eavro_ocf_zcodec:read_ocf_with(
4> "test/data/transformers-deflated.avro",
4> fun(Schema, ZInstances) ->
4> zlists:expand(5,
4> zlists:map(fun(Inst) -> hd(Inst) end, ZInstances))
4> end).
The function 'eavro_ocf_zcodec:read_ocf_with' gives a way for memory effecient way to read huge Avro OCF files. Currently only 'deflate' compression codec supported (snappy TBD).
Writing OCFs:
1> rr(eavro).
2> Schema = eavro:read_schema("test/data/twitter.avsc").
#avro_record{name = twitter_schema,
fields = [{<<"username">>,string},
3> eavro:write_ocf("data.avro", Schema, [ [<<"Optimus">>, <<"Prime">>, 134234132], [<<"Nexus">>, <<"Prime">>, 3462547657] ]).
4> eavro:read_ocf_with("data.avro", fun(_Schema, ZInstances) -> zlists:expand(ZInstances) end ).
Making an Avro RPC calls:
1> {ok, P} = eavro_rpc_fsm:start_link("localhost", 41414, "flume.avpr").
2> eavro_rpc_fsm:call(P, append, _Args = [ _Rec = [ [], <<"HELLO">> ] ]).
To make an Avro RPC calls you need an Avro protocol file in a JSON format
(usually *.avpr file), if you have an only Avro IDL file (usually *.avdl file),
for now you are addressed to the avro tool to make .avdl -> .avpr
$ mkdir avro_tools
$ (cd avro_tools && wget http://apache-mirror.rbc.ru/pub/apache/avro/avro-1.7.7/java/avro-tools-1.7.7.jar)
$ java -jar avro_tools/avro-tools-1.7.7.jar idl test/data/flume.avdl | python -mjson.tool > flume.avpr
To implement Avro RPC server on Erlang language, consider to implement a behaviour eavro_rpc_handler
. Then just start it as follows:
eavro_rpc_srv:start(your_rpc_handler,_InitArgs = [], _Port = 2525, _PoolSize = 1).
The server framework is implemented using Ranch application.
-record(state, { }).
get_protocol() -> eavro_rpc_proto:parse_protocol_file("mail.avpr").
init([]) ->
{ok, #state{} }.
handle_call( {#avro_message{ name = <<"send">> },
[ Record = [_From, _To, Body] ] = _Args},
#state{} = _State ) ->
io:format("Body '~s` sent!", [Record]),
{ok, "Ok"}.
- Add specs, tests and documentation
- Support codecs (snappy) when reading and writing data from OCF
All parts of this software are distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 terms.