Tags: gax97/react-native-reanimated
Stable release 2.3.0 🎉 (software-mansion#2692) ## Description Stable release 2.3.0 🎉
Release 2.3.0-beta.4 🎉 (software-mansion#2660) ## Description Release 2.3.0-beta.4 🎉
docs: update homepage installation link (software-mansion#2545) ## Description Fix homepage doc link. Fixes software-mansion#2542 . ## Changes <!-- Please describe things you've changed here, make a **high level** overview, if change is simple you can omit this section. For example: - Added `foo` method which add bouncing animation - Updated `about.md` docs - Added caching in CI builds --> <!-- ## Screenshots / GIFs Here you can add screenshots / GIFs documenting your change. You can add before / after section if you're changing some behavior. ### Before ### After --> ## Test code and steps to reproduce <!-- Please include code that can be used to test this change and short description how this example should work. This snippet should be as minimal as possible and ready to be pasted into editor (don't exclude exports or remove "not important" parts of reproduction example) --> ## Checklist - [ ] Included code example that can be used to test this change - [ ] Updated TS types - [ ] Added TS types tests - [ ] Added unit / integration tests - [x] Updated documentation - [ ] Ensured that CI passes
Release 2.3.0-beta.2 (software-mansion#2471) ## Description Update package.json before release 🚀
Fixes before release (software-mansion#2453) ## Description Fixes before `2.3.0-beta.1` release
Fix build-script (software-mansion#2355) ## Description We have many dependencies to React Native, but react is changing. If we want to support many versions of RN we need to add some specific changes dedicated to react version. In Java, it is harder than C++ because we haven't `#ifdef` mechanism. So I added a patch-like mechanism to replace some specific files during compilation time for specific RN versions.