[gatsby-source-wordpress] After adding wordpress plugin, gatsby develop throws error #3562
I have created a new trial project with gatsby-bootstrap starter and installed gatsby-source-wordpress plugin as instructed with all the wp plugin configuration/credentials etc.
When trying to build or develop the project to check it in the browser, it throws an error and won't compile.
The error log is as followed:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename '/Volumes/Data/WebsiteProjects/GatsbyWordpress/.cache/gatsby-source-filesystem/tmp-e8c2ad91b6179055d0ae09c526e48078.jpg' -> '/Volumes/Data/WebsiteProjects /GatsbyWordpress/.cache/gatsby-source-filesystem/e8c2ad91b6179055d0ae09c526e48078.jpg'
- Error
- index.js:27 tryRenameSync [GatsbyWordpress]/[fs-extra]/lib/move-sync/index.js:27:19
- index.js:22 Object.moveSync [GatsbyWordpress]/[fs-extra]/lib/move-sync/index.js:22:3
- create-remote-file-node.js:101 DuplexWrapper.<anonymous> [GatsbyWordpress]/[gatsby-source-filesystem]/create-remote-file-node.js:101:22
- next_tick.js:74 _combinedTickCallback internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11
- next_tick.js:98 process._tickCallback internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9
This error occurs after wordpress plugin has finished fetching pages, posts, comments etc.
I have built and used develop
command to start the local server with the site successfully before I installed the wordpress plugin, after which, I cannot finish the build process.
Please help me resolve this issue.