We implemented a web interface from which you could submit a qiskit circuit and the system would divide the circuit between simulated devices connected trough a simulated quantum network and it would run the circuit and print back the results.
In the web interface user can type any python code for generating the circuit.
This is a demonstration of a distributed quantum computer operating on a quantum network.
This project was implemented during the Quantum Futures Hackathon at CERN.
Interface is implemented as a Flask web application.
To run the application you can create a virtual environment, install requirements and then run the following:
export FLASK_APP=app.py
python -m flask run
Please note that this is meant for only demonstration purposes and it should not be exposed to public internet.
We used SimulaQron to simulate the quantum network.
You can see SimulaQron documentation here: https://softwarequtech.github.io/SimulaQron/html/GettingStarted.html
Also you can clone these two repos for exmaples and for reference:
git clone https://github.com/SoftwareQuTech/CQC-Python