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Cloud Mine

This is template repo configured for building with the AWS CDK.

This repository contains the default TypeScript AWS CDK Application. The application is capable of hosting two stacks. RepoOIDC and DevMachine.

RepoOIDC stack creates OIDC principal resources to be used by GitHub Actions and will need to be deployed before running the included actions.

DevMachine stack creates an AWS EC2 instance and GitHub Personal Access Token (pat). This stack is created as an example implementation.

This repository also includes setup and teardown actions to demonstrate deploy and destroy of AWS CDK stacks.

Included Actions


  • standup.yml: Deploy development environment. Nodejs (nvm), Python3, Neovim & zsh.
  • teardown.yml: Destroy development environment.
  • zlog.yml: Log change event in action workflow.
    • zlog is named to appear at the bottom of the workflow actions list.

CDK Quick Start

cdk.json defines the app property as npx ts-node --prefer-ts-exts bin/name.ts. The app command varies by language and can be suplied to the cdk cli with the --app flag.

bin/name.ts defines the cdk.App that deploys one or more cdk.Stacks.

Stacks are defined in the lib directory and export your custom defined stack(s).

The OIDC provider and iam.Role from lib/construcst/actions-oidc.ts have administrator privileges.


  1. Bootstrap your AWS Account for CDK if you haven't already.

  2. Create the GitHub OIDC Provider (AWS)

    • Manually or use the StackDeployer provided in this repo.
  3. Create the GitHub Personal Access Token and Secret

  4. Set the cdk context variables in ./cdk.json.

    • appName: Application name
    • repoName: GitHub Repository name
    • userName: GitHub username
    • keyName: Name of existing EC2 keypair
  • patCompleteArn
  1. Set variables for GitHub actions:



  • Deploy the DevMachine stack by manually running the standup action.
  • Get the instance's public DNS name from the deployment output.
  • Connect using the keypair.
  • Read/Write code using GitHub Personal Access Token.
    • Use https to clone w/ username and pat.
  • Teardown the DevMachine stack by manually running the teardown action.
    • The DevMachine is removed by name and the teardown workflow will need to be updated to include additional stacks.


  • Running this stack incurs charges based on the ec2 InstanceType.
    • The instance type used is a LARGE COMPUTE6_INTEL.
  • Deployment takes less than three minutes
  • Changes to userData will create a new instance
    • No need to teardown and standup for every change.
  • The DevMachine stack must be taken down manually and will incur costs for as long as it is running.


  • Add alert for idle box or no active connections


AWS CDK & GitHub Actions Example






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