How to categorize this issue?
/area networking
/kind enhancement
What would you like to be added:
make docker-images |
docker tag networking-calico-local:$version |
kind load docker-image networking-calico-local:$version --name gardener-local |
mkdir -p $repo_root/tmp |
cp -f $repo_root/example/controller-registration.yaml $repo_root/tmp/controller-registration.yaml |
yq -i e "(select (.helm.values.image) | .helm.values.image.tag) |= \"$version\"" $repo_root/tmp/controller-registration.yaml |
yq -i e '(select (.helm.values.image) | .helm.values.image.repository) |= ""' $repo_root/tmp/controller-registration.yaml |
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f "$repo_root/tmp/controller-registration.yaml" |
to be changed to something like
make docker-images
pulls the golang image from defined in the Dockerfile. With skaffold this is likely avoided.
Why is this needed:
To prevent dockerhub rate limit issues for e2e executions in prow.