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Pull requests: gap-system/gap

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Collection of small fixes and improvements that do not merit an own PR each kind: bug: unexpected error Issues describing bugs in which computation unexpectedly encounters an error, and PRs fixing them kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes release notes: multiple PRs introducing changes that require multiple entries in the release notes (TO BE AVOIDED!!!) topic: performance bugs or enhancements related to performance (improvements or regressions)
#4411 by hulpke was merged Apr 20, 2021 Loading… updated Aug 18, 2022 GAP 4.12.0
Fix AsSemigroup to reject non-associative inputs & declare IsCommutative/IsAssociative for IsCollection kind: bug: wrong result Issues describing bugs that result in mathematically or otherwise wrong results, and PRs fixing them kind: bug Issues describing general bugs, and PRs fixing them kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes release notes: multiple PRs introducing changes that require multiple entries in the release notes (TO BE AVOIDED!!!) topic: library
#4373 by wilfwilson was merged May 20, 2021 Loading… updated Aug 18, 2022
Performance additions to generic 2-cohomology and Automorphism group/Isomorphism test kind: bug Issues describing general bugs, and PRs fixing them kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes release notes: multiple PRs introducing changes that require multiple entries in the release notes (TO BE AVOIDED!!!) topic: performance bugs or enhancements related to performance (improvements or regressions)
#4219 by hulpke was merged Feb 9, 2021 Loading… updated Aug 18, 2022
Fix some crashes caused by running out of memory kind: bug: crash Issues describing bugs that cause GAP to crash, and PRs fixing them (used for release notes) kind: bug Issues describing general bugs, and PRs fixing them release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: kernel
#3825 by fingolfin was merged Jan 7, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 18, 2022
Start the process of making vector and matrix objects official gapsingular2019 Issues and PRs that arose at kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#3643 by ThomasBreuer was merged Feb 3, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 18, 2022
Extend the range of precomputed simple groups from orders up to 10^18 to orders up to about 10^27 kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#3861 by hulpke was merged Jan 22, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Add group constructors PGammaL, PSigmaL, and their methods for permutation groups kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements kind: new feature release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#4207 by ThomasBreuer was merged Jan 13, 2021 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Support optional transformFunction in Test, similar to compareFunction. kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#4201 by fingolfin was merged Feb 15, 2021 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Add OutputGzipFile, in order to create a gzip compressed file kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements kind: new feature release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#4128 by ChrisJefferson was merged Nov 20, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Enhance FreeGroup to support the option generatorNames to prescribe the names of the generators kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements priority: low release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#4111 by hulpke was merged Oct 7, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022 GAP 4.12.0
Add an optional third argument to OrderMod that is a multiple of the order one wants to compute kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#4105 by ThomasBreuer was merged Aug 31, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Passing a .tst file as a command line argument to gap will now invoke Test on it kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#4099 by fingolfin was merged Sep 3, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Add IteratorOfPartitionsSet an iterator for all unordered partitions of a set into pairwise disjoint nonempty sets kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements kind: new feature release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#4074 by jesselansdown was merged Jul 21, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
8 tasks
Add Pluralize function for strings kind: discussion discussions, questions, requests for comments, and so on kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements kind: new feature priority: low release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#3992 by wilfwilson was merged Jun 11, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Add methods taking machine floats for Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, Asinh, Acosh, Atanh, CubeRoot, Erf, Gamma kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: kernel
#3986 by fingolfin was merged Apr 27, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Add InnerAutomorphismGroup attribute for groups kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements kind: new feature release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#3914 by fingolfin was merged Mar 6, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Rename QUIT_GAP, FORCE_QUIT_GAP and GAP_EXIT_CODE to QuitGap, ForceQuitGap and GapExitCode (the old names remain available as synonyms) kind: removal or deprecation A feature was removed or deprecated / made obsolete release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#3862 by ChrisJefferson was merged May 28, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Add DeclareGlobalName; together with BindGlobal it can be used to replace uses of DeclareGlobalVariable & InstallValue (which are not thread safe and have other dangers) kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements kind: new feature release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#3858 by fingolfin was merged Apr 28, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
1 of 2 tasks
Add TaylorSeriesRationalFunction and improve Derivative for univariate rational functions kind: new feature release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: library
#4104 by hulpke was merged Sep 4, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Fix ViewString for string to correctly escape characters needing it kind: bug: unexpected error Issues describing bugs in which computation unexpectedly encounters an error, and PRs fixing them release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#3693 by ChrisJefferson was merged Nov 6, 2019 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Change IsPackageLoaded and TestPackage to ignore case of package name, like LoadPackage does kind: bug: unexpected error Issues describing bugs in which computation unexpectedly encounters an error, and PRs fixing them kind: bug Issues describing general bugs, and PRs fixing them release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: packages issues or PRs related to package handling, or specific to a package (for packages w/o issue tracker)
#4037 by fingolfin was merged May 22, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Fix DirectoriesPackagePrograms to ignore case of package name, like LoadPackage does kind: bug: wrong result Issues describing bugs that result in mathematically or otherwise wrong results, and PRs fixing them kind: bug Issues describing general bugs, and PRs fixing them release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: packages issues or PRs related to package handling, or specific to a package (for packages w/o issue tracker)
#4035 by ThomasBreuer was merged May 20, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Support several package instances with same version kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: packages issues or PRs related to package handling, or specific to a package (for packages w/o issue tracker)
#3668 by ThomasBreuer was merged Oct 4, 2019 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
Speed up CoefficientsQadic for long results kind: enhancement Label for issues suggesting enhancements; and for pull requests implementing enhancements release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes topic: performance bugs or enhancements related to performance (improvements or regressions)
#4186 by frankluebeck was merged Dec 2, 2020 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
8 tasks
Fix Test to correctly handle test outputs which do not end with a newline when using rewriteToFile kind: bug Issues describing general bugs, and PRs fixing them release notes: added PRs introducing changes that have since been mentioned in the release notes
#3695 by ChrisJefferson was merged Oct 15, 2019 Loading… updated Aug 17, 2022
ProTip! Follow long discussions with comments:>50.