taking Product() of a very long list of transpositions blows up memory #723
opened on Apr 10, 2016
Multiplying 370656 transpositions, with disjoint support, in a list s, using Product(s), blows up memory
No matter how big (I went to 10GB!) I set -o, I get (with GAP 4.8.3)
Error, reached the pre-set memory limit (change it with the -o command line option) in
res[i] := func( C[i] ); at /home/scratch/dimpase/gap/latest/lib/coll.gi:743 called from
<function "List">( <arguments> )
called from read-eval loop at line 24 of x.g
here is how I get there:
PS. I wish there was a function to convert list of lists into a permutation. Of course I can create a list, presenting the permutation I need, and convert it into permutation (or just multiplying 370656 permutations one by one - this took 30 min or so of wall clock time).