opened on Oct 27, 2023
Observed behaviour
Playing around with GQuotients
gave the following error. I am not too familiar with GAP. Maybe I am doing something wrong?
gap> G := FreeGroup(2);;
gap> Q := G / [G.1*G.2^-2*G.1, G.1^-1*G.2^-3];;
gap> GQuotients(Q, SmallGroup(12, 1));
Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from NoMethodFound
Error, no 1st choice method found for `ReversedOp' on 1 arguments at /Users/a/artifacts/b5c2f0f824457e5c391fb2491\
6f94d5d91c62c4f/share/gap/lib/methsel2.g:249 called from
ReversedOp( list
) at /Users/a/artifacts/b5c2f0f824457e5c391fb24\
916f94d5d91c62c4f/share/gap/lib/ called from
Reversed( fp
) at /Users/a/artifacts/b5c2f0f824457e5c391fb24\
916f94d5d91c62c4f/share/gap/lib/ called from
NEWTC_ModifiedScanAndFill( DATA, 1, DATA.subgword[w], 1
); at /Users/a/artifacts/b5c2f0f824457e5c391fb2\
4916f94d5d91c62c4f/share/gap/lib/ called from
NEWTC_DoCosetEnum( freegens, freerels, subgens, aug, trace
) at /Users/a/artifacts/b5c2f0f824457e5c391fb24\
916f94d5d91c62c4f/share/gap/lib/ called from
NEWTC_CosetEnumerator( FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup( a ),
RelatorsOfFpGroup( a ), List( b, UnderlyingElement ), true, false
) at /Users/a/artifacts/b5c2f0f824457e5c391fb24\
916f94d5d91c62c4f/share/gap/lib/ called from
... at *stdin*:9
type 'quit;' to quit to outer loop
My version:
gap> GAPInfo.Version;
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