gap> f := FreeGroup(2);;
gap> x := GroupHomomorphismByImages(f,f,[f.1,f.2],[f.2,f.1]);;
gap> Order(x); # expects 2
Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from NoMethodFound
Error, no 3rd choice method found for `CompositionSeries' on 1 arguments at /usr/local/src/gap/lib/methsel2.g:250 called from
CompositionSeries( U ) at /usr/local/src/gap/lib/ called from
ChiefSeries( d ) at /usr/local/src/gap/lib/ called from
the code in lib/ assumes that the source of the automorphism is a finite group. Presumably the method should give up when its source doesn't have the filter IsFinite