The $GFAL Token Smart Contract follows the ERC20 Token Standard and is deployed on the BNB Chain. This GitHub repository provides a centralized location for interested parties to view the Smart Contract.
The $GFAL Token has been audited by, a professional services firm that specializes in audit, tax, legal, and financial advising services. The last audit received a score of 10 and can be accessed here.
- Mainnet: 0x47c454cA6be2f6DEf6f32b638C80F91c9c3c5949 on the BNB Chain (BSC) Mainnet (view on BscScan)
- Testnet: 0xdE8eCC061f2940D1Ccd32DbE5cEA64EC0E1Fc878 on the Goerli Testnet (view on Etherscan)
Install required dependencies:
npm install
Create the .env file:
cp .env.example .env
The smart contract can be tested using Hardhat:
npx hardhat test
To deploy the smart contract:
- To Hardhat for testing:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
- To a remote blockchain:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network {{network}}