Bug description
When building the project (Link) with Unity 2023.1.0f1 with urp (Branch) I get the following error:
emcc: error: '/opt/unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/BuildTools/Emscripten/llvm/wasm-ld @/tmp/emscripten_v1u3qz8c.rsp.utf-8' failed (received SIGKILL (-9))
The build works in CI when creating a development build, but not for normal builds (for both WebGL1 & 2). When building locally on a windows machine I don't have any errors, also when using the commandline to start the build the same way as in the action.
How to reproduce
- Fork
- Run action to get a unity license and set it in the secrets
- Push the tag
to the 2023.1-urp branch - A new build should be triggered by automation, this build will fail
Expected behavior
The build should finish successfully
Additional details
Full log from the action: 5_Build project.log
Full log from the local build that succeeded: build-2023.1.0f1-urp-webgl2.log
Local build run through the following batch script:
@echo off
set UNITY_VERSION=2023.1.0f1
set TAG=%UNITY_VERSION%-urp-webgl2
echo "Building %BUILD_NAME%"
"C:\Program Files\Unity\%UNITY_VERSION%\Editor\Unity.exe" -quit -batchmode -logFile Builds\build-%BUILD_NAME%.log -projectPath "%~dp0" -executeMethod UnityBuilderAction.BuildScript.BuildWithCommandlineArgs -customParameters "-tag %TAG%" -buildTarget WebGL -customBuildName %BUILD_NAME% -customBuildPath "Builds\%BUILD_NAME%" -buildVersion "1.0.0" -androidVersionCode "1"