A web application that demonstrates Indonesian word embedding, inspired by Word embedding demo.
See the demo: http://indonesian-word-embedding.herokuapp.com (might take a few seconds if the app is "asleep"--it needs to be booted and loading the vectors might take a few secs)
Right now it serves pre-trained word vectors from here. The word vectors are trained on the Word2vec model from Wikipedia texts using the CBOW training algorithm.
- Refactoring. This is my first time using Vue so I'm sure there are a lot of things to be refactored that I haven't known yet!
- Serves multiple models. Not only Word2vec using CBOW but also Word2vec using skip-gram or even FastText.
- Add more in-depth explanations, possibly for each section.
- As more explanations are added, consider using Vuex.
- Indonesian translation.
If you're interested to work in improving the points above or if you have any idea, feel free to make a pull request! 🙏
# install front-end
cd frontend
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production/Flask with minification
npm run build
# install back-end
cd ../backend
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
# serve back-end at localhost:5000
FLASK_APP=run.py flask run