A Clojure compiler that targets objc runtimes.
- Write native apps in Clojure
- Strong iOS support
- Future proof: shares 99.99% of the code base with clojure for the jvm
- Distribute clojure-objc libs using maven
- Most existing Clojure libs should just work
- ObjC interop
- C interop
- ObjC subclassing
All generated code manage memory automagically, but if you alloc with interop you need to release!
;; calling objc methods
(defn say-hi [name]
(-> ($ UIAlertView)
($ :alloc)
($ :initWithTitle (str "Hello " name)
:message "Hi! from clojure"
:delegate nil
:cancelButtonTitle "Cancelar"
:otherButtonTitles nil)
($ :autorelease)
($ :show)))
;; extend objc class
(defnstype UIKitController UIViewController
([^:id self :initWith ^:id [view s]]
(doto ($$ self :init)
($ :setView ($ view :retain))
(objc-set! :scope s)
(#(post-notification ($ % :view) :init)))))
;; c interop
(defc NSLog :void [:id &]) ; & for variadic
(NSLog "%@ %@ %d" "Hello" "World" 13)
;; proxy objc class
([^:bool self :textFieldShouldReturn ^:id field]
($ field :resignFirstResponder)
lein exec build.clj
Portions of this project derived from Clojure: Copyright © 2006-2015 Rich Hickey
Original code and Clojure modifications: Copyright © 2014-2015 Gal Dolber
Both are distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.