Extracts price from an arbitrary text input.
import extractPrice from 'extract-price';
extractPrice('extracts price from anywhere within the input 1.222.333,50');
// [{amount: 122233350}]
extractPrice('understands ,. notation 1,222,333.50');
// [{amount: 122233350}]
extractPrice('and ., notation 1.222.333,50');
// [{amount: 122233350}]
extractPrice('and space followed by "," notation 1 222 333,50');
// [{amount: 122233350}]
extractPrice('and space followed by "." notation 1 222 333.50');
// [{amount: 122233350}]
extractPrice('extracts multiple prices listed anywhere within the string using different formats: 1,22, 222, 3,22, 4.20, 5.666');
// [{amount: 12200}, {amount: 22200}, {amount: 322}, {amount: 422}, {amount: 566600}]
extractPrice('extracts currency codes EUR 1.00, 2.00 USD');
// [{amount: 100, currencyCode: 'EUR'}, {amount: 200, currencyCode: 'USD'}]
extractPrice('extracts currency symbols €1.00, 2.00$');
// [{amount: 100, currencySymbol: '€'}, {amount: 200, currencySymbol: '$'}]
extractPrice('does not100 100.20extract ambig0u0s numbers as price');
// []
> 1.03 - 0.42
< 0.6100000000000001
See: https://stackoverflow.com/q/3730019/368691
– Extracts date from an arbitrary text input.extract-time
– Extracts time from an arbitrary text input.