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Merge pull request #5 from gaius-r/gaius-b
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Main Push 3 : Complete AWS Functions
  • Loading branch information
gaius-r authored Nov 8, 2020
2 parents 4385f38 + 71ba0c1 commit 3d829a6
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Showing 5 changed files with 466 additions and 279 deletions.
Binary file added __pycache__/automation.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added __pycache__/ec2.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added __pycache__/menu.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
import os
from subprocess import PIPE, run, check_output,call

profile = ""
keyfile = ""

# wrapper to get ouput of system command
def out(command):
result = run(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)
return result.stdout

# function to launch AWS instances
def launchInstance():
keyname, securityGroup, rc = keyAndSecurity()

if rc != 0:

print("\n1. Amazon Linux 2 AMI 64-bit (x86)\t2. RHEL 8 64-bit (x86)\t 3. Custom Image ID\t 4. Exit Instance Creation")
for i in range(5):
amiChoice = input("Enter choice (1-4) : ")
if amiChoice == '1':
imageID = "ami-0e306788ff2473ccb"
elif amiChoice == '2':
imageID = "ami-052c08d70def0ac62"
elif amiChoice == '3':
imageID = input("Enter Image ID : ")
elif amiChoice == '4':
if i == 4:
print("Entered wrong option 5 times. Exiting...")
print("Invalid choice!!! Choose from 1-4\n")

print("Create Instance with instanceID : {}, type : t2.micro, key-name : {}, security-group : {} ?".format(imageID, keyname, securityGroup))
create = input("Enter Y to confirm : ")
if create == 'Y' or create == 'y':
errorInstance = call(
"aws ec2 run-instances --image-id {} --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name {} --security-groups {} --profile {}".format(imageID, keyname, securityGroup, profile))
if errorInstance == 0:
instanceID = input("Enter the instance ID : ")
nametag = input("Enter name tag for instance (Eg. MyInstance): ")
"aws ec2 create-tags --resources {} --tags Key=Name,Value={} --profile {}".format(instanceID, nametag, profile))
print("Instance is created and running.\n")

# function to create key-pair and security group for instance
def keyAndSecurity():
while True:
print("\nDefault values for each field taken if left blank => key-pair : MyKeyPair | security-group : my-sg | --description : My Security Group ")
keyPair = input("1. Enter name for new key-pair : ")
secGroup = input("2. Enter name for security group : ")
descSecurity = input(
"Enter description for security group {} : ".format(secGroup))
if keyPair == '':
keyPair = "MyKeyPair"
if secGroup == '':
secGroup = "my-sg"
if descSecurity == '':
descSecurity = "My Security Group"
print("Entered fields : \nkey-pair : {}\nsecurity-group : {}\ndescription : {}\n".format(
keyPair, secGroup, descSecurity))
confirm = input("Press Y to confirm : ")
if(confirm == 'Y' or confirm == 'y'):
# Creating Key-Pair
os.system(r"mkdir %USERPROFILE%\KeyPairs")
print(r"{}.pem created in folder C:\Users\%USERNAME%\KeyPairs ".format(keyPair))
errorKeyPair = os.system(
r"aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name {0} --profile {1} --output text > %USERPROFILE%\KeyPairs\{0}.pem".format(keyPair, profile))
# Creating Security-Group
errorSecurityGroup = call(
'aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name {} --description "{}" --profile {}'.format(secGroup, descSecurity, profile))
if errorKeyPair != 0 or errorSecurityGroup != 0:
recreate = input(
"\nWould you like to delete created key-pair or security-group and try again ? (Press Y for Yes): ")
if recreate == 'Y' or recreate == 'y':
if errorKeyPair != 0 and errorSecurityGroup == 0:
rc = 11
"aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-name {} --profile {}".format(secGroup, profile))
elif errorSecurityGroup != 0 and errorKeyPair == 0:
rc = 12
"aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name {} --profile {}".format(keyPair, profile))
rc = 1
rc = 0
print("rc : {}".format(rc))
return (keyPair, secGroup, rc)

# function to add inbound rules to security group
def inboundRules():
sgname = input("\nEnter security group name : ")
print("1. All Traffic (Default) 2. TCP 3. UDP 4. SSH 5. Custom Protocol : ")
for i in range(5):
plChoice = input("Choose between 1-5 : ")
if plChoice == '1' or plChoice == '':
protocol = 'all'
port = 'all'
elif plChoice == '2':
protocol = 'tcp'
port = '0-65535'
elif plChoice == '3':
protocol = 'udp'
port = '0-65535'
elif plChoice == '4':
protocol = 'tcp'
port = '22'
elif plChoice == '5':
protocol = input("Enter protocol number (Eg. 1 for ICMP, 6 for TCP etc.) : ")
port = input("Enter port range (leave blank for all by default): ")
if port == '':
port = 'all'
if i == 4:
print("Entered wrong option 5 times. Exiting...")
print("Invalid choice!!! Choose from 1-5\n")
cidr = input("Enter custom cidr (leave blank for by default) : ")
if cidr == '':
cidr = ''
confirm = input("Confirm creation of inbound rule for Security Group : {} => for Protocol : {} \
Port : {} and CIDR : {} ? (Press Y to confirm) : ".format(sgname, protocol, port, cidr))
if confirm == 'y' or confirm == 'Y':
errorcheck = call("aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name {} --protocol {} \
--port {} --cidr {} --profile {}".format(sgname, protocol, port, cidr, profile))
print("rc : {}".format(errorcheck))

def ec2menu(prof):

global profile, keyfile
profile = prof

while True:
print("\nEC2 MENU\
print("\n1. Launch instance \t2. Show Key-Pairs \t3. Delete Key-Pair\
\n4. Show Security-Groups \t5. Delete Security-Group \t6. Add Inbound Rules\
\n7. Show Instances \t8. Start Instance \t9. Stop Instance\
\n10.Terminate Instance \t11.Create EBS volume \t12.Attach EBS Volume\
\n13.Show available storage \t14.Mount New Partition \t15.Show the filesystem\
\n\nPress Q to exit")

choice = input("> ")
if choice == '1':
elif choice == '2':
"aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --profile {}".format(profile))
elif choice == '3':
keypair = input("\nEnter name of key-pair to delete : ")
error = os.system(
"aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name {} --profile {}".format(keypair, profile))
if error == 0:
print("Key-Pair : {} deleted.".format(keypair))
elif choice == '4':
"aws ec2 describe-security-groups --profile {}".format(profile))
elif choice == '5':
sg = input("\nEnter name of security-group to delete : ")
error = os.system(
"aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-name {} --profile {}".format(sg, profile))
if error == 0:
print("Security-Group : {} deleted.".format(sg))
elif choice == '6':
elif choice == '7':
os.system("aws ec2 describe-instances --profile {}".format(profile))
elif choice == '8':
instance_id = input("\nEnter instance-id : ")
error = call("aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {} \
--profile {}".format(instance_id, profile))
if error == 0:
print("Instance started successfully.")
print("rc : {}".format(error))
elif choice == '9':
instance_id = input("\nEnter instance-id : ")
error = call("aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids {} \
--profile {}".format(instance_id, profile))
if error == 0:
print("Instance stopped successfully.")
print("rc : {}".format(error))
elif choice == '10':
instance_id = input("\nEnter instance-id : ")
error = call("aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids {} \
--profile {}".format(instance_id, profile))
if error == 0:
print("Instance termination processed. Instance will be deleted in some time.")
print("rc : {}".format(error))
elif choice == '11':
size = input("Enter volume size : ")
az = input("Enter availability zone (Default : ap-south-1a): ")
if az == '':
az = 'ap-south-1a'
error = call("aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone {} --size {} \
--profile {}".format(az, size, profile))
if error == 0:
print("EBS Volume created successfully")
print("rc : {}".format(error))
elif choice == '12':
volume = input("Enter your volume-id : ")
instance = input("Enter instance-id : ")
error = call("aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id {} --instance-id {} \
--device /dev/sdh --profile {}".format(volume, instance, profile))
if error == 0:
print("EBS Volume attached successfully")
print("rc : {}".format(error))
elif choice == '13':
key = input("Enter key name with .pem extension: ")
address = out("echo %USERPROFILE%").rstrip("\n")
key = r"{}\KeyPairs\{}".format(address, key)
instance = input("Enter instance-id : ")
publicDns = out("aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {}\
--query Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PublicDnsName] --output text".format(instance)).rstrip("\n")
error = os.system('ssh -i {} ec2-user@{} sudo fdisk -l'.format(key, publicDns))
print("rc : {}".format(error))
elif choice == '14':
key = input("Enter key name with .pem extension: ")
address = out("echo %USERPROFILE%").rstrip("\n")
key = r"{}\KeyPairs\{}".format(address, key)
instance = input("\nEnter instance-id : ")
publicDns = out("aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {}\
--query Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PublicDnsName] --output text".format(instance)).rstrip("\n")
name = input("Enter name of volume you wish to create partition in : ")
error = os.system("ssh -i {} ec2-user@{} sudo fdisk {}".format(key, publicDns, name))
error2, error3 = 1,1
if error == 0:
print("Partition {} created.".format(name))
error2 = os.system("ssh -i {} ec2-user@{} sudo mkfs.ext4 {}".format(key, publicDns, name))
if error2 == 0:
print("Partition {} formatted.".format(name))
mount = input("Enter name for new mount point : ")
error3 = os.system("ssh -i {} ec2-user@{} sudo mkdir {}".format(key, publicDns, mount))
error4 = os.system("ssh -i {} ec2-user@{} sudo mount {} {}".format(key, publicDns, name, mount))
if error3 == 0 and error4 == 0:
print("Partition {} mounted on directory {}.".format(name, mount))
print("rc : {}".format(error+error2+error3+error4))

elif choice == '15':
key = input("Enter key name with .pem extension: ")
address = out("echo %USERPROFILE%").rstrip("\n")
key = r"{}\KeyPairs\{}".format(address, key)
instance = input("\nEnter instance-id : ")
publicDns = out("aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {}\
--query Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PublicDnsName] --output text".format(instance)).rstrip("\n")
error = os.system("ssh -i {} ec2-user@{} sudo df -h".format(key, publicDns))
print("rc : {}".format(error))

elif choice == 'Q' or choice == 'q':
print("Invalid choice!!! Choose from 1-15 or Q to exit.\n")


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