A python program displaying a menu integrating operations in concepts like AWS, Docker, LVM, ML Linear Model, and Hadoop
- The menu.py file is the main executable. All other files are supporting files.
- Clone the repo, all files must be in the same folder (including the .csv)
- Run the menu.py program and go through various options to work with the above mentioned services.
- The ec2menu() function in ec2.py is called in menu.py to access AWS EC2 functionalities.
- The mlModel() function in ml.py is called in menu.py to access ML Linear Model functionalities.
- The lvmAuto() function in Lvmautomate.py is called in menu.py to access LVM functionalities.
- The dockerMenu() function in docker.py is called in menu.py to access Docker functionalities.
- The hadoopMenu() function in hadoop.py is called in menu.py to access Hadoop functionalities.