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Wei Hu committed Sep 7, 2011
1 parent ea2bcd1 commit 5919ad0
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Showing 5 changed files with 301 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion misc-modules/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ clean:
# called from kernel build system: just declare what our modules are
obj-m := hello.o hellop.o seq.o jit.o jiq.o sleepy.o complete.o \
silly.o faulty.o kdatasize.o kdataalign.o seesetfs.o
silly.o faulty.o kdatasize.o kdataalign.o seesetfs.o dram.o

52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions misc-progs/cpuid.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// cpuid.cpp
// This Linux application illustrates the use of the x86 CPU's
// CPUID instruction, to display "feature-bits" which indicate
// the specific capabilities which this processor implements.
// to compile-and-link: $ g++ cpuid.cpp -o cpuid
// and then to execute: $ ./cpuid
// programmer: ALLAN CRUSE
// written on: 05 MAY 2004
// revised on: 16 NOV 2006 -- to improve format of the output
// revised on: 13 NOV 2008 -- to use larger input-value range

#include <stdio.h> // for printf(), perror()

int main( int argc, char **argv )
unsigned int reg_eax, reg_ebx, reg_ecx, reg_edx;
int i, max = 1;

for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
asm(" movl %0, %%eax " :: "m" (i) );
asm(" cpuid ");
asm(" mov %%eax, %0 " : "=m" (reg_eax) );
asm(" mov %%ebx, %0 " : "=m" (reg_ebx) );
asm(" mov %%ecx, %0 " : "=m" (reg_ecx) );
asm(" mov %%edx, %0 " : "=m" (reg_edx) );

printf( "\n\t" );
printf( "%2d: ", i );
printf( "eax=%08X ", reg_eax );
printf( "ebx=%08X ", reg_ebx );
printf( "ecx=%08X ", reg_ecx );
printf( "edx=%08X ", reg_edx );

if ( i == 0 ) {
max = reg_eax;
char str[13];
int *p = (int *)str;
p[0] = reg_ebx;
p[1] = reg_edx;
p[2] = reg_ecx;
str[12] = 0;
printf("%s", str);
printf( "\n\n" );
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions misc-progs/genuine.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// genuine.s
// This program illustrates use of the 'cpuid' instruction on
// an x86_64 Linux platform, where we know the instruction is
// implemented, and where we can assemble for the processor's
// 32-bit 'compatibility mode' in which 'pushal' can execute.
// to assemble: $ as --32 genuine.s -o genuine.o
// and to link: $ ld -melf_i386 genuine.o -o genuine
// and execute: $ ./genuine
// HINT: Try executing this program on the 'stargate' server.
// programmer: ALLAN CRUSE
// written on: 13 NOV 2008

# manifest constants
.equ sys_EXIT, 1
.equ sys_WRITE, 4
.equ dev_STDOUT, 1

.section .text
_start: .code32 # must assemble for 'compatibility-mode'

# setup register EAX for getting vendor-identification

xor %eax, %eax # zero-value into EAX
cpuid # and execute 'cpuid'

# setup 'newline' ASCII-code in EAX for string-output

mov $0x0A, %eax # newline ascii-code
pushal # push vendor-string

# write vendor-string (from EBX,ECX,EDX) to the console

mov $sys_WRITE, %eax # system-call ID-number
mov $dev_STDOUT, %ebx # device-file ID-number
lea 16(%esp), %ecx # address of the string
mov $13, %edx # length of the string
int $0x80 # invoke kernel service

# terminate this program, and return to command-shell

mov $sys_EXIT, %eax # system-call ID-number
mov $0, %ebx # use zero as exit-code
int $0x80 # invoke ketnel service

.global _start # entry-point is public
.end # assembly is concluded

192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions misc-progs/mpinfo.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
// mpinfo.cpp
// This Linux utility uses our 'dram.c' device-driver to access
// the bottom one-megabyte of system memory, in order to search
// for the MP Floating Pointer Structure and, upon locating it,
// to display the various records in the MP Configuration Table
// that it references, thus letting us know how many processors
// are installed in our system (plus other system information).
// The search scans three system memory-regions, in this order:
// a. The first kilobyte of the EBDA
// b. The final kilobyte of base memory
// c. The ROM-BIOS address space arenas
// Reference: Intel Multiprocessor Specification (Version 1.4)
// to compile-and-link: $ g++ mpinfo.cpp -o mpinfo
// and then to execute: $ ./mpinfo
// NOTE: Our 'dram.ko' kernel-object needs to be pre-installed.
// programmer: ALLAN CRUSE
// written on: 08 AUG 2008

#include <stdio.h> // for printf(), perror()
#include <fcntl.h> // for open()
#include <stdlib.h> // for exit()
#include <unistd.h> // for read(), write(), close()
#include <string.h> // for strncmp()
#include <sys/utsname.h> // for utsname()

struct zone_struct { unsigned short begin, reach; };
struct zone_struct zone[ 3 ] = { { 0, 64 }, { 0x9FC0, 64 }, { 0xF000, 4096 } };

char devname[] = "/dev/dram";
struct utsname uts;

int main( int argc, char **argv )
// get this station's hostname for display (in case we want
// to print the machine's information for future reference)
char hostname[ 64 ];
if ( gethostname( hostname, sizeof( hostname ) - 1 ) < 0 )
{ perror( "gethostname" ); exit(1); }
else strtok( hostname, "." );

// open our device-file for this machine's system-memory
int fd = open( devname, O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) { perror( devname ); exit(1); }

// read from ROM-BIOS DATA-AREA (0x400-0x500) to get EBDA
lseek( fd, 0x40E, SEEK_SET );
read( fd, &zone[0].begin, sizeof( short ) );

// loop to search for the MP Floating Pointer Structure
printf( "\n Looking for the MP Floating Pointer Structure " );
printf( "on station \'%s\' ...\n\n", hostname );
char buf[ 16 ];
long mpfp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int base = zone[i].begin * 16;
int size = zone[i].reach * 16;

printf( "\t searching in zone %d: ", i+1 );
printf( "0x%08X - 0x%08X \n", base, base+size );
for (int p = 0; p < size; p += 16)
lseek( fd, base+p, SEEK_SET );
read( fd, buf, sizeof( buf ) );
if ( strncmp( buf, "_MP_", 4 ) ) continue;
else { mpfp = (base+p); break; }
if ( mpfp ) break;
// exit if no MP Floating Pointer Structure is present
if ( !mpfp )
fprintf( stderr, "MP Floating Pointer Structure not found\n" );

// compute the paragraph checksum
char cksum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) cksum += buf[i];
if ( cksum )
fprintf( stderr, "MP Floating Pointer Structure is invalid\n" );

// report location of the MP Floating Pointer Structure
printf( "\n MP Floating Pointer Structure found " );
printf( "at 0x%08lX (checksum=%d) \n", mpfp, cksum );

printf( "\n 0x%08lX: ", mpfp );
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf( "%02X ", (buf[i] & 0xFF) );
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
char ch = buf[i];
if (( ch < 0x20 )||( ch > 0x7E )) ch = '.';
printf( "%c", ch );
printf( "\n" );

int ptr = *(int*)(buf + 4);
int len = (buf[8] & 0xFF);
int ver = (buf[9] & 0xFF);

printf( "\n Multiprocessor Specification version 1.%X \n", ver );
printf( "\n MP Configuration Table located at 0x%08X \n", ptr );

// read the MP Configuration Table Header
char mpcthdr[ 44 ];
lseek( fd, ptr, SEEK_SET );
read( fd, mpcthdr, sizeof( mpcthdr ) );

if ( strncmp( mpcthdr, "PCMP", 4 ) )
fprintf( stderr, " MP Configuration Table is not valid \n" );

for (int p = 0; p < 44; p += 16)
printf( "\n 0x%08X: ", ptr + p );
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if ( p+j < 44 ) printf( "%02X ", mpcthdr[p+j] & 0xFF );
else printf( " " );
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
char ch = (p+j < 44) ? mpcthdr[p+j] : ' ';
if (( ch < 0x20 )||( ch > 0x7E )) ch = '.';
printf( "%c", ch );
printf( "\n\n" );

int base_table_len = *(unsigned short*)( mpcthdr + 4 );
int entry_count = *(unsigned short*)( mpcthdr + 34 );

int ext_table_len = *(unsigned short*)( mpcthdr + 40 );
int total_table_len = base_table_len + ext_table_len;

char table[ 4096 ] = { 0 };
lseek( fd, ptr, SEEK_SET );
read( fd, table, total_table_len );

char checksum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < base_table_len; i++) checksum1 += table[i];

printf( " Base Table Length = %d bytes ", base_table_len );
printf( " Base Table Entry Count = %d ", entry_count );
printf( " checksum = %d \n", checksum1 );

char *entptr = table + 44;
for (int i = 0; i < entry_count; i++)
printf( "\n " );
int entlen = entptr[0] ? 8 : 20;
for (int j = 0; j < entlen; j++)
printf( "%02X ", entptr[ j ] & 0xFF );
entptr += entlen;
printf( "\n\n" );

char checksum2 = 0;
for (int i = base_table_len; i < total_table_len; i++)
checksum2 += table[i];

printf( " Extended Table Length = %d bytes \n", ext_table_len );

entptr = table + base_table_len;
while ( entptr < table + total_table_len )
int entlen = (unsigned char)entptr[ 1 ];
printf( "\n " );
for (int j = 0; j < entlen; j++)
printf( "%02X ", entptr[ j ] & 0xFF );
entptr += entlen;
if ( ext_table_len == 0 ) printf( "\n" );
else printf( "\n\n" );

int oem_table_size = *(unsigned short*)( mpcthdr + 32 );
printf( " OEM Table Length = %d bytes \n", oem_table_size );
printf( "\n" );
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion net/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ clean:
.PHONY: modules modules_install clean

obj-m := netdevs.o dram.o offsets.o netframe.o ioapic.o 82562.o nicstate.o nicping.o nicspy.o
obj-m := netdevs.o offsets.o netframe.o ioapic.o 82562.o nicstate.o nicping.o nicspy.o

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