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BriefMatch provides a fast GPU optical flow algorithm. The method performs a dense binary feature matching with BRIEF descriptors, and using the iterative propagation scheme from PatchMatch. The matching is followed by a trilateral filtering step that refines the correspondence field and removes outliers. All matching and filtering computations run on the GPU, which allows for real-time performance.

The method is described in our SCIA2017 paper. If you use the BriefMatch software for your research work, please consider citing this as follows:

  author       = "Eilertsen, Gabriel and Forssén, Per-Erik and Unger, Jonas",
  title        = "BriefMatch: Dense binary feature matching for real-time optical flow estimation",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA17)",
  year         = "2017"


The following libraries are used by BriefMatch:

  • Cuda for GPU processing.
  • libPNG for image I/O.
  • OpenCV (optional) for a more flexible and faster image input. OpenCV is used if it can be successfully located, otherwise image input is made directly with libPNG through imageLib (see below). OpenCV can also be explicitly excluded with the CMake flag, USE_OPENCV=0.

Compilation and installation

Compilation is provided through CMake.


For an out-of-tree build:

$ cd <path_to_briefmatch>
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make

A set of advanced briefmatch command line options can be provided with the CMake flag ADVANCED_OPTIONS:

$ cmake -DADVANCED_OPTIONS=1 ../

BriefMatch usage

After compilation of BriefMatch, run ./briefmatch -h to display available input options.

Quality/speed are best traded off by changing the up-sampling factor (--up-sampling-x and --up-sampling-y). These are used to up-sample image width and height, respectively, before performing the matching. Larger up-sampling gives more accurate flow vectors, but takes longer time and uses more memory. Furthermore, with larger up-sampling there is more benefit in having longer feature vectors (--feature_length). Additionally, the radius of the BRIEF descriptors can be calibrated with --patch-radius, which specifies the radius in percent of the image diagonal.

To fine-tune the optical flow quality there are a set of advanced options (provided by the ADVANCED_OPTIONS flag) that can be used to calibrate matching and filtering. For example, the properties of the flow refinement filtering kernel can be calibrated by tweaking the median filtered image used (--median-size), and setting the standard deviations of the three terms in the trilateral kernel: --range-epe, --range-i and --range-spatial.

Output format

Estimated optical flow fields can be output in three different formats:

  1. Binary floating point raw data, which first stores all x-components of the flow, followed by the y-components. There is no meta data stored, so image size needs to be known in order to read the data.
  2. Middlebury .flo format, which also stores binary floating points. The format can be read in C++ and Matlab using the flowIO code provided at the Middlebury benchmark webpage.
  3. 8-bit color png images. The flow directions are encoded by hue, and magnitudes by color saturation. The --vis_max_motion parameter can be used to scale the specified value to have maximum saturation and clamp all values above.


Following are three examples of different quality/speed trade-offs, that use the RubberWhale sequence from the Middlebury benchmark training data:

  • Faster (lower quality): ./briefmatch --input data/RubberWhale/frame%02d.png --frames 7:14 --output output/flow%02d.png --up-sampling-x 1.5 --up-sampling-y 1.5 --feature_length 32

  • Moderate (medium quality): ./briefmatch --input data/RubberWhale/frame%02d.png --frames 7:14 --output output/flow%02d.png --up-sampling-x 2.9 --up-sampling-y 2.9 --feature_length 128

  • Slower (higher quality): ./briefmatch --input data/RubberWhale/frame%02d.png --frames 7:14 --output output/flow%02d.png --up-sampling-x 4.9 --up-sampling-y 4.9 --feature_length 512

Included libraries

BriefMatch utilizes the flowIO code provided on the Middlebury benchmark website. The code is used to colorcode 2D vectors for visualization of the optical flow, and in order to store the optical flow using the flowIO format (.flo).

FlowIO uses imageLib in order to handle images. Both flowIO and imageLib are included in ./util. Please see ./util/imageLib/ for further information and license information on imageLib.


Copyright (c) 2017, The BriefMatch authors. All rights reserved.

BriefMatch is distributed under a BSD license. See LICENSE for information.