Python (wx python) based market downloader. Downloads all orders in a region.
- python 2.7.7 (2.7.9 didn't work. haven't tried 2.7.10)
- wxPython
- grequests
- gevents
- requests
You need to set up your own application in the developers site, and fill in details into downloader.ini appropriately.
The callback url on the developers site is http://localhost:[port from downloader.ini]/
My first wx program, so probably hideously inefficient
Dumps all orders (well, as long as there's less than 1000 buy or sell for each item) in a region into orders.csv
Takes around 15 minutes to process. I need to work in some kind of limiter, because most people won't want everything.
Now also needs a cacert.pem file in the same directory as the script. In part, so it packages nicely with pyinstaller. for a packaged version, just configure the downloader.ini
The filter file format is one typeid per line. To clear the filter, once set, go to the filter dialog and hit cancel.