Apply following patch.
$ diff -c freebsd.go.orig freebsd.go
*** freebsd.go.orig Mon Feb 6 14:38:18 2017
--- freebsd.go Mon Feb 6 14:39:37 2017
*** 48,54 ****
if r := exec(c, "uname", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
if strings.Contains(r.Stdout, "FreeBSD") == true {
! if b := exec(c, "uname -r", noSudo); b.isSuccess() {
rel := strings.TrimSpace(b.Stdout)
bsd.setDistro("FreeBSD", rel)
return true, bsd
--- 48,54 ----
if r := exec(c, "uname", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
if strings.Contains(r.Stdout, "FreeBSD") == true {
! if b := exec(c, "freebsd-version", noSudo); b.isSuccess() {
rel := strings.TrimSpace(b.Stdout)
bsd.setDistro("FreeBSD", rel)
return true, bsd
There are 2 version information on FreeBSD. One is kernel version, and other is system version. FreeBSD uname outputs kernel version only. You can get FreeBSD system version by freebsd-version command.
So vuls need to run freebsd-version insted of uname -r.