Hash : ____
To check the commit hash of HEAD
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git rev-parse --short HEAD
- Target Server: centos 7.2.1511
- Vuls Server: CentOS 6.8
- Go version: go1.7.1 linux/amd64
Current Output
Please re-run the command using -debug
and provide the output below.
$ vuls prepare -debug hoge
INFO[0000] Start Preparing (config: /home/vuls/config.toml)
INFO[0000] Validating Config...
[Dec 2 16:42:52] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS...
[Dec 2 16:42:52] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of servers...
[Dec 2 16:42:52] DEBUG [localhost] SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; ls /etc/debian_version, exitstatus: 2, stdout: ls: /etc/debian_version にアクセスできません: そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:52] DEBUG [localhost] Not Debian like Linux. SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; ls /etc/debian_version, exitstatus: 2, stdout: ls: /etc/debian_version にアクセスできません: そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:53] DEBUG [localhost] SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; ls /etc/fedora-release, exitstatus: 2, stdout: ls: /etc/fedora-release にアクセスできません: そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:53] DEBUG [localhost] SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; ls /etc/redhat-release, exitstatus: 0, stdout: /etc/redhat-release
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:53] DEBUG [localhost] SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; cat /etc/redhat-release, exitstatus: 0, stdout: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:53] DEBUG [localhost] Redhat like Linux. Host:
[Dec 2 16:42:53] INFO [localhost] (1/1) Detected: hoge: centos 7.2.1511
[Dec 2 16:42:53] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of containers...
[Dec 2 16:42:53] INFO [localhost] Checking sudo configuration...
[Dec 2 16:42:54] DEBUG [hoge] SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; sudo -S yum --version, exitstatus: 0, stdout: 3.4.3
インストール: rpm-4.11.3-17.el7.x86_64 (日時: 2016-11-08 06:42)
構築 : CentOS BuildSystem (日時: 2015-11-20 11:15)
コミット : Florian Festi (日時: 2015-09-11)
インストール: yum-3.4.3-132.el7.centos.0.1.noarch (日時: 2016-11-08 06:42)
構築 : CentOS BuildSystem (日時: 2015-12-03 15:33)
コミット : Johnny Hughes (日時: 2015-12-03)
インストール: yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-34.el7.noarch (日時: 2016-11-08 06:42)
構築 : CentOS BuildSystem (日時: 2015-11-20 15:34)
コミット : Valentina Mukhamedzhanova (日時: 2015-10-12)
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:54] INFO [hoge] sudo ... OK
[Dec 2 16:42:54] DEBUG [hoge] SSHResult: servername: hoge, cmd: set -o pipefail; rpm -q yum-plugin-changelog, exitstatus: 1, stdout: パッケージ yum-plugin-changelog はインストールされていません。
, stderr: , err: %!s()
[Dec 2 16:42:54] INFO [localhost] The following servers need dependencies installed
[Dec 2 16:42:54] INFO [localhost] - yum-plugin-changelog on hoge
[Dec 2 16:42:54] INFO [localhost] Is this ok to install dependencies on the servers? [y/N]
Addition Details
hoge$ rpm -q yum
Expected Behavior
use yum with option -y