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Failed to check EOL #1138




What did you do? (required. The issue will be closed when not provided.)

docker scan and/or report

sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC:/etc/localtime:ro  -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin"  vuls/vuls scan -config=./config.toml``

sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro vuls/vuls report -format-full-text  -config=./config.toml 

What did you expect to happen?

The scan/report returned results as expected, but there was an additional warning. For report this does not happen with -format-json. I did not expect this warning.

What happened instead?

The warning is:

Warning: Some warnings occurred.
[Failed to check EOL. Register the issue to with the information in `Family: suse.linux.enterprise.server Release: 12.4`]
  • Current Output

Please re-run the command using -debug and provide the output below.

~> sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro vuls/vuls report -format-list  -config=./config.toml -debug
[Jan 19 09:54:15]  INFO [localhost] Validating config...                                                             
[Jan 19 09:54:15]  INFO [localhost] Loaded: /vuls/results/2021-01-19T09:53:04Z                                       
[Jan 19 09:54:15] DEBUG [localhost] remotehost (suse.linux.enterprise.server12.4): config.ServerInfo{ 
ServerName: "remotehost",  
User: "username", 
Host: "172123.123.12",                                                                                      
JumpServer:    []string{} 
Port:          "22", 
SSHConfigPath: "",
KeyPath:       "",                                                                                                   
KeyPassword:   "",
CpeNames:      []string{},
ScanMode:      []string{
  "offline", },                                                                                                                   
ScanModules: []string{},
OwaspDCXMLPath:     "", 
ContainersOnly:     false,
ContainersIncluded: []string{},
ContainersExcluded: []string{},
ContainerType:      "", 
Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
IgnoreCves:         []string{},
IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{}, 
GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
Memo:               "",
Enablerepo:         []string{},
Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
Lockfiles:          []string{},
FindLock:           false,
Type:               "",
IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
IPv4Addrs:          []string{},
IPv6Addrs:          []string{},
IPSIdentifiers:     map[config.IPS]string{},
WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
  OSUser:  "",
  DocRoot: "",
  CmdPath: "", 
  },                                                                                                                   LogMsgAnsiColor: "\x1b[32m",
Container:       config.Container{
  ContainerID: "",
  Name:        "", 
  Image:       "", 
Distro: config.Distro{
  Family:  "",
 Release: "",
Mode: config.ScanMode{
  flag: 0x0a,
Module: config.ScanModule{
  flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 19 09:54:15]  INFO [localhost] Validating db config...                                                          
INFO[0000] -cvedb-type: sqlite3, -cvedb-url: , -cvedb-path: /vuls/cve.sqlite3                                        
INFO[0000] -ovaldb-type: sqlite3, -ovaldb-url: , -ovaldb-path: /vuls/oval.sqlite3                                    
INFO[0000] -gostdb-type: sqlite3, -gostdb-url: , -gostdb-path: /vuls/gost.sqlite3                                    
INFO[0000] -exploitdb-type: sqlite3, -exploitdb-url: , -exploitdb-path: /vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3                   
INFO[0000] -msfdb-type: sqlite3, -msfdb-url: , -msfdb-path: /vuls/go-msfdb.sqlite3                                   
[Jan 19 09:54:15] DEBUG [localhost] open cve-dictionary db (sqlite3)                                                 
[Jan 19 09:54:15]  WARN [localhost] --cvedb-path=/vuls/cve.sqlite3 file not found. [CPE-scan]( needs cve-dictionary. if you specify cpe in config.toml, fetch cve-dictionary before reporting. For details, see ``     
[Jan 19 09:54:15] DEBUG [localhost] Open oval-dictionary db (sqlite3): /vuls/oval.sqlite3                            
[Jan 19 09:54:15] DEBUG [localhost] Open gost db (sqlite3): /vuls/gost.sqlite3                                       
INFO[01-19|09:54:15] Opening DB.                              db=sqlite3                                             
INFO[01-19|09:54:15] Migrating DB.                            db=sqlite3                                             
[Jan 19 09:54:15]  WARN [localhost] --exploitdb-path=/vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3 file not found. Fetch go-exploit-db before reporting if you want to display exploit codes of detected CVE-IDs. For details, see ``                                                                                                      [Jan 19 09:54:15]  WARN [localhost] --msfdb-path=/vuls/go-msfdb.sqlite3 file not found. Fetch go-msfdb before reporting if you want to display metasploit modules of detected CVE-IDs. For details, see ``                                                                                                              [Jan 19 09:54:15] DEBUG [localhost] Check whether oval fetched: suse.linux.enterprise.server 12.4                    
[Jan 19 09:54:15]  INFO [localhost] OVAL is fresh: suse.linux.enterprise.server 12.4                                 
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] remotehost: 0 CVEs are detected with OVAL                                       
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] remotehost: 0 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost                                
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] remotehost: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE                                         
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] Detect WordPress CVE. pkgs: 0                                                    
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] remotehost: found 0 WordPress CVEs                                               
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] Fill CVE detailed with gost                                                      
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] Fill CVE detailed with CVE-DB                                                    
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] Fill exploit with Exploit-DB                                                     
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] remotehost: 0 exploits are detected                                              
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] Fill metasploit module with Metasploit-DB                                       
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] remotehost: 0 modules are detected                                               
[Jan 19 09:54:23]  INFO [localhost] Fill CWE with NVD                                                                                                                                                                                     

remotehost (suse.linux.enterprise.server12.4)                                                                        =============================================
Total: 0 (High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0), 0/0 Fixed, 0 poc, 0 exploits, en: 0, ja: 0 alerts                              949 installed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Warning: Some warnings occurred.                                                                                     
[Failed to check EOL. Register the issue to with the information in `Family: suse.linux.enterprise.server Release: 12.4`]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

No CVE-IDs are found in updatable packages.                                                                          949 installed 

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

I did not receive this warning in early December. I pulled the new vuls version with docker, it must have been introduced with the recent commits.

Configuration (MUST fill this out):

  • Go version (go version):

I don't use go, I use docker instead.
Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe17

  • Vuls environment:

Hash : d6435d2

  • config.toml:
host               = ""                                                              
user               = "username"                                                                                      
port               = "22"                                                                                            
scanMode           = ["fast-root","offline"]   
type = "sqlite3"                                                                                                     
SQLite3Path = "/vuls/cve.sqlite3"                                                                                                                                                                                                         [ovalDict]                                                                                                           
type = "sqlite3"                                                                                                     
SQLite3Path = "/vuls/oval.sqlite3"                                                                                                                                                                                                        [gost]                                                                                                               
type = "sqlite3"                                                                                                     
SQLite3Path = "/vuls/gost.sqlite3"                                                                                                                                                                                                        [exploit]                                                                                                            
type = "sqlite3"                                                                                                     
SQLite3Path = "/vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3"                                                                                                                                                                                                [metasploit]                                                                                                         
type = "sqlite3"                                                                                                     
SQLite3Path = "/vuls/go-msfdb.sqlite3" 




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