(Red bar in the right corner is the healthbar, Green tent is a healthpack, brown capsule is an ammo pickup for one of the weapons)
Godot-FPS-Template Godot 3.5 FPS template with precipitant health and ammo, menus, game config menu/saving, and basic save/load function. This project is based on Droivox Godot Engine FPS - https://github.com/Droivox/Godot-Engine-FPS
This is a fork of my own personal FPS project, and contains some of the basic features that I have either created or added in from other projects. The added features include: health, health packs, ammo packs, two maps, persistance of health and ammo between maps, basic saving and loading (ammo, health, current map only), menus and a flashlight.
Assets used Droivox Godot-Engine-FPS (MIT) https://github.com/Droivox/Godot-Engine-FPS (base used for weapons and main character)
BigDC (MIT) https://github.com/BigDC/MenusPlugin (graphics and the menu scene are used, but none of the menu code connected to the menu system was used)
Shargon (MIT) https://gitlab.com/ShargonPendragon/godot-save-and-load-system (save/Load system was used for saving and loading)
AllSky Free (MIT) https://github.com/rpgwhitelock/AllSkyFree_Godot (skybox used for demos, might be used later on as skyboxes for other parts)
godot-FirstPersonStarter (MIT) https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-FirstPersonStarter/tree/gd-3.x (used the map for the sake of this demo)
Godot_FPS_Tutorial (MIT) https://github.com/TwistedTwigleg/Godot_FPS_Tutorial (Turret Only)