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Ben Langfeld authored and benlangfeld committed Sep 3, 2011
1 parent 3f2f21c commit 1d7325e
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Showing 99 changed files with 35,644 additions and 0 deletions.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions authenticate.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@

Fuse Playout System Management
This file checks a user's cookies to ensure they are authorised to be logged in, and with what access level.

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past

include ('includes/functions.php');

// Global variable
$adminaccess = false;
$newsaccess = false;

if(isset($_COOKIE['Fuse_Playout_User']) AND isset($_COOKIE['Fuse_Playout_Pass'])) {

// Start checking cookie's authenticity
$user = $_COOKIE['Fuse_Playout_User'];
$md5pass = $_COOKIE['Fuse_Playout_Pass'];

$pass = passwordsearch($user,$ldapconn,$ldapbasedn);

if ($pass == "No Results") {
// Cookies invalidated
$hour = time() - 3600;
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_User, "false", $hour);
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_Pass, "false", $hour);
// The uid entered doesn't have a corresponding password record.
header ("Location: logon.php");
die("Possible hacking attempt");
} else if ($pass == "Too Many Results") {
// Cookies invalidated
$hour = time() - 3600;
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_User, "false", $hour);
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_Pass, "false", $hour);
// The search returned multiple passwords and we don't know which one to use. They should be unique.
header ("Location: logon.php");
die("Possible hacking attempt");
} else {
// We should now have the correct password, but it needs to be verified.

if (strcasecmp($md5pass,$pass) == 0) {

// Password matches. Now to check permissions

$authenticated = false;

// Cycle through admin groups to locate the user
for ($i = 0; $i < count($admingroups); $i++) {
if (groupsearch($admingroups[$i],$user,$ldapconn,$ldapbasedn)) {
$authenticated = true;
$adminaccess = true;

// Cycle through news groups to locate the user
if ($authenticated == false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($newsgroups); $i++) {
if (groupsearch($newsgroups[$i],$user,$ldapconn,$ldapbasedn)) {
$authenticated = true;
$newsaccess = true;

// Cycle through user groups to locate the user
if ($authenticated == false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($usergroups); $i++) {
if (groupsearch($usergroups[$i],$user,$ldapconn,$ldapbasedn)) {
$authenticated = true;

if ($authenticated) {
// Set the cookies, ensuring an allowed logon time of one hour.
$hour = time() + 3600;
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_User, $user, $hour);
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_Pass, $pass, $hour);
// Allows user's specific show info to be located.
$userid = $user;
} else {
// User is not a member of the correct LDAP groups.
header ("Location: logon.php");
die("Possible hacking attempt");

} else {
// Cookie password does not match the one in the database. Password may have been changed.
// Cookies invalidated, user returned to logon form.
$hour = time() - 3600;
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_User, "false", $hour);
setcookie(Fuse_Playout_Pass, "false", $hour);
header ("Location: logon.php");
die("Possible hacking attempt");
// Finish checking cookie's authenticity

} else {
header ("Location: logon.php");
die("Possible hacking attempt");
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions carts.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@

Fuse Playout System Management
Manages cart walls within the database. File allocation, naming and colours.


echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 220px; width: 100%-220px; padding: 10px\">";
$option = $_GET["option"];
$activeshow = $_POST["show"];
$activewall = $_POST["wall"];
if ($activewall == "") {
$activewall = 1;
$activecart = $_POST["cart"];

$title = $_POST["title"];
$fileid = $_POST["file"];
$colour = $_POST["colour"];
$refresh = "0";

if (($activeshow == "0") AND ($adminaccess === false) AND ($option != "edit")) {
die("Possible hacking attempt.");

if ($option == "edit") {
if (($activeshow == "0") AND ($adminaccess === false) AND ($activecart <> "")) {
die("Possible hacking attempt.");
echo "<b><font style=\"font-size: 10pt\">Cart Editor</font></b>";

// Update cart
if ($activecart <> "") {
if ($fileid == "0") {
$title = "{CLR}";
if ($title == "{CLR}") {
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE `tbl_carts` SET `Cart_Title` = 'Empty', `Cart_Colour` = '255255255', `File_ID` = '0', `Cart_Refresh` = '0' WHERE `Show_ID` = '$activeshow' AND `Cart_ID` = '$activecart'");
} else {
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE `tbl_carts` SET `Cart_Title` = '$title', `Cart_Colour` = '$colour', `File_ID` = '$fileid', `Cart_Refresh` = '$refresh' WHERE `Show_ID` = '$activeshow' AND `Cart_ID` = '$activecart'");
if ($query) {
if ($title == "{CLR}") {
if ($fileid == "0") {
echo " - <i>No file selected. Cart successfully cleared.</i>";
} else {
echo " - <i>Cart successfully cleared.</i>";
} else {
echo " - <i>Cart with title '" . stripslashes($title) . "' successfully edited.</i>";
} else {
echo " - <i>Error: Cart modification failed.</i>";

echo "<br />";

// Find out what shows a user can manage and show them in a combo box
// May also show the Fuse wall but not allow editing by normal users... ######################## <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$query = showidsfromuid($userid);
$numberofrows = 0;
if ($query) {
$numberofrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
if (($numberofrows == 1) AND (!$adminaccess) AND ($activeshow == "")) {
$activeshow = $row['Show_ID'];
if ($activeshow == $row['Show_ID']) {
$selected = ' selected';
} else {
$selected = "";
$showoptionset = $showoptionset . '<option value="' . $row['Show_ID'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . shownamefromid($row['Show_ID']) . '</option>';
if ($adminaccess) {
$query = notshowidsfromuid($userid);
if ($query) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
if ($activeshow == $row['Show_ID']) {
$selected = ' selected';
} else {
$selected = "";
$showoptionset = $showoptionset . '<option style="color: rgb(128,128,128)" value="' . $row['Show_ID'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . shownamefromid($row['Show_ID']) . '</option>';
// Check if the user can manage the main Fuse wall and if so add to the combo box
if ($adminaccess) {
if ($numberofrows == 0) {
if ($activeshow == "") {
$activeshow = "0";
if ($activeshow == "0") {
$selected = ' selected';
} else {
$selected = "";
$showoptionset = '<option value="0"' . $selected . '>' . shownamefromid(0) . '</option>' . $showoptionset;

if ($showoptionset == "") {
$showoptionset = '<option value="X">No Shows Listed</option>';

// If this is a user's first login, the cart wall may not have been set up with all the relevant numbers, so do this now

// Create the 'walls' dropdown.
for ($i=1;$i < 9;$i++) {
if ($activewall == $i) {
$selected = ' selected';
} else {
$selected = "";
$walloptionset = $walloptionset . '<option value="' . $i . '"' . $selected . '>Wall ' . $i . '</option>';

// Print out the combo box selection form
echo '<form method="post">Please select a show and cart wall: <select name="show">' . $showoptionset . '</select>&nbsp;<select name="wall">' . $walloptionset . '</select>&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Go / Refresh"></form><br />';
// If a show and wall has been selected, display it for editing.
if (($activeshow <> "") AND ($activewall <> "") AND ($activeshow <> "X")) {
echo 'Currently viewing cart <b>Wall ' . $activewall . '</b> for show <b>\'' . shownamefromid($activeshow) . '\'</b>.<br /><br />';
$contents = getcarts($activeshow,$activewall);
if ($contents) {
if (mysql_num_rows($contents) > 0) {
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"1\">";
$col = 1;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($contents)) {
if ($col == 1) {
echo "<tr valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\">";
$red = substr($row['Cart_Colour'],0,3);
$green = substr($row['Cart_Colour'],3,3);
$blue = substr($row['Cart_Colour'],6,3);
if ($row['Cart_Colour'] == "255255255") {
$textcolour = "000000";
} else {
$textcolour = "FFFFFF";
if (($activeshow == "0") AND ($row['Cart_ID'] == "111")) {
$newscheck = " disabled";
} elseif (($activeshow == "0") AND (!$adminaccess)) {
$newscheck = " disabled";
} else {
$newscheck = "";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"20%\" style=\"color: #$textcolour; text-align: center; background-color: rgb($red,$green,$blue)\"><br /><b>" . $row['Cart_Title'] . "</b><br /><br /><form style=\"display: inline\" method=\"post\" action=\"carts.php?option=cart\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$activeshow\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cart\" value=\"" . $row['Cart_ID'] . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wall\" value=\"$activewall\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit\"$newscheck>&nbsp;</form>";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"carts.php?option=edit\" style=\"display: inline\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$activeshow\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cart\" value=\"" . $row['Cart_ID'] . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wall\" value=\"$activewall\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"title\" value=\"{CLR}\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Clear\"$newscheck></form>";
if ($row['File_ID'] != "0") {
$filequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_files WHERE `File_ID` = '" . $row['File_ID'] . "'");
$pathinfo = pathinfo(mysql_result($filequery,0,'File_Location'));
$extension = $pathinfo['extension'];
} else {
$extension = "false";
echo "<form style=\"display: inline;\" onsubmit=\"javascript:'listen.php?option=play&file=" . $row['File_ID'] . "','playoutplayer','height=150,width=350'); return false\">&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Listen\"";
if (strtolower($extension) != "mp3") {
echo " disabled";
echo "></form><br /><br /></td>";
if ($col == 6) {
echo "</tr>";
$col = 1;
echo "</table>";
} else {
// Query for cart wall returned no results. Perhaps it wasn't initialised properly.
echo "Error: Cart wall could not be loaded. Please try again or contact support.";
} else {
// Query didn't even succeed. Temporary error?
echo "Error: Cart wall could not be loaded. Please try again or contact support.";
} else if ($option == "cart") {
echo "<b><font style=\"font-size: 10pt\">Cart Editor</font></b><br />";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_carts` WHERE `Show_ID` = '$activeshow' AND `Cart_ID` = '$activecart'");
$title = mysql_result($query,0,'Cart_Title');
$colour = mysql_result($query,0,'Cart_Colour');
$fileid = mysql_result($query,0,'File_ID');
$rgbarray = array("128128128", "000000000", "255064064", "128128255", "255064255", "128000000", "192192000", "000128000", "000000128", "128000128");
$colournamearray = array("Grey", "Black", "Light Red", "Light Blue", "Light Purple", "Dark Red", "Dark Yellow", "Dark Green", "Dark Blue", "Dark Purple");
for ($i=0;$i < 10;$i++) {
$red = substr($rgbarray[$i],0,3);
$green = substr($rgbarray[$i],3,3);
$blue = substr($rgbarray[$i],6,3);
if ($colour == $rgbarray[$i]) {
$selected = " selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$colouroptionset = $colouroptionset . "<option style=\"color: rgb($red,$green,$blue)\" value=\"" . $rgbarray[$i] . "\"$selected>" . $colournamearray[$i] . "</option>";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"scripts/search.js\"></script>";
echo "<div id=\"searchdiv\" style=\"display: none;\">";
echo "Please select a file for this cart:<br /><br />";
echo "<form name=\"search\" id=\"search\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"referrer\" id=\"referrer\" value=\"cart\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" id=\"show\" value=\"$activeshow\">Artist: <input type=\"text\" name=\"artist\" id=\"artist\" onkeyup=\"get(document.getElementById('search'),'','search');\"> - Title: <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" id=\"title\" onkeyup=\"get(document.getElementById('search'),'','search');\"> - Album: <input type=\"text\" name=\"album\" id=\"album\" onkeyup=\"get(document.getElementById('search'),'','search');\"> - <select name=\"filetype\" id=\"filetype\" onchange=\"get(document.getElementById('search'),'','search');\">";
$filetypesquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_settings` WHERE `Setting_Name` = 'file_type_values'");
$filetypesarray = unserialize(mysql_result($filetypesquery,0,"Setting_Value"));
$filetypenamesquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_settings` WHERE `Setting_Name` = 'file_type_names'");
$filetypenamesarray = unserialize(mysql_result($filetypenamesquery,0,"Setting_Value"));
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($filetypesarray);$i++) {
echo "<option value=\"" . $filetypesarray[$i] . "\">" . $filetypenamesarray[$i] . "</option>";
echo "</select></form>";
echo "<br /></div>";
echo "<div id=\"results\">";
if ($fileid > 0) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_files` WHERE `File_ID` = '$fileid'");
$fileartist = mysql_result($query,0,'File_Artist');
$filetitle = mysql_result($query,0,'File_Title');
echo "Current File: $filetitle by $fileartist <form style=\"display: inline\" onsubmit=\"get(document.getElementById('search'),'','search'); document.getElementById('searchdiv').style.display = 'block'; return false;\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\"></form>";
echo "</div>";
} else {
echo "</div>";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">get(document.getElementById('search'),'','search'); document.getElementById('searchdiv').style.display = 'block';</script>";
echo "<br /><form method=\"post\" id=\"submitter\" action=\"carts.php?option=edit\" onsubmit=\"if (document.getElementById('result').file.value) { document.getElementById('submitter').file.value = document.getElementById('result').file.value; } \" style=\"display: inline\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"$fileid\">";
echo "Cart Title: <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"$title\" maxlength=\"30\"><br />";
echo "Cart Colour: <select name=\"colour\">$colouroptionset</select> <a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"'help.php?option=colours', 'helpwindow2', 'status = 1, height = 300, width = 300, resizable = 0');return false\" target=\"_blank\"><i>What are these?</i></a><br />";
if ($refresh == "1") {
$checked = " checked";
} else {
$checked = "";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$activeshow\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wall\" value=\"$activewall\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cart\" value=\"$activecart\">";
echo "<br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\"></form>&nbsp;";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"carts.php?option=edit\" style=\"display: inline\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$activeshow\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wall\" value=\"$activewall\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Cancel\"></form>";
echo "</div></body></html>";

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