Code for the figures included in the manuscript Light into the darkness: Unifying the known and unknown coding sequence space in microbiome analyses
To recreate the figures follow the instructions below:
This has been tested on R 3.6.3
Clone the repo with:
git clone
cd vanni_et_al-figures
Then get the data we used from here. The data is stored in SQlite dbs, one DB for each figure.
curl -JLO
tar xvfz vanni_et_al-data.tar.gz
Then let's install the packages we used to plot the figures. First start R to get renv installed:
If you open the project file
in Rstudio it will perform the same steps.
If everything went well, renv will be installed and you will get a message like:
* Installing renv 0.11.0 ... Done!
Successfully installed and loaded renv 0.11.0.
* Project '/vol/cloud/SANDBOX/vanni_et_al-figures' loaded. [renv 0.11.0]
And restore the environment:
Now you can recreate the basic figures with:
Figures will be saved in figures/
Or you can play with the code and recreate the figures in your favorite IDE.
In the folder figures-manuscipt
you can find the final figures used in the manuscript after some beautifying.