Compiled operators names are replaced with source names #409
Sometimes using compiled name is preferred as source name produces a warning in this particular case. The problem is FCS replaces all source names with compiled names in AST idents and we don't know whether compiled or source name was used in the actual code.
Issue created from fantomas-ui.
type T() =
static member op_LessThan(a, b) = a < b
type T() =
static member (<) (a, b) = a < b
Fantomas 2.9.1
Name | Value |
IndentSpaceNum |
4 |
PageWidth |
80 |
PreserveEndOfLine |
true |
SemicolonAtEndOfLine |
false |
SpaceBeforeArgument |
true |
SpaceBeforeColon |
true |
SpaceAfterComma |
true |
SpaceAfterSemicolon |
true |
IndentOnTryWith |
false |
ReorderOpenDeclaration |
false |
SpaceAroundDelimiter |
true |
StrictMode |
false |