Space missing in curried function invocation of multiple params before 1st param #2087
Issue created from fantomas-online
module Foo =
let Bar (baz1: int) (baz2: string) (baz3: string) (baz4: string) (baz5: string) =
FooBarBaz(someFunc x) (someOtherFunc y)
module Foo =
let Bar (baz1: int) (baz2: string) (baz3: string) (baz4: string) (baz5: string) =
FooBarBaz(someFunc x) (someOtherFunc y)
Expected Result
module Foo =
let Bar (baz1: int) (baz2: string) (baz3: string) (baz4: string) (baz5: string) =
FooBarBaz (someFunc x) (someOtherFunc y)
Problem description
This guideline is not being respected: dotnet/docs#28141
Extra information
- The formatted result breaks by code.
- The formatted result gives compiler warnings.
- I or my company would be willing to help fix this.
Fantomas master branch at 1/1/1990
Default Fantomas configuration