Consecutive #load
statements are merged into one line if namespace
is declared below #2014
Issue created from fantomas-online
#load "Types.fsx"
#load "Project.fsx"
#load "Utils.fsx"
#load "Git.fsx"
namespace MyNamespace
#load "Types.fsx"#load "Project.fsx"#load "Utils.fsx"#load "Git.fsx"
namespace MyNamespace
Problem description
Consecutive #load
statements are merged into one line if namespace
is declared below, but not if namespace is declared above, eg.
namespace MyNamespace
#load "Types.fsx"
#load "Project.fsx"
#load "Utils.fsx"
#load "Git.fsx"
Extra information
- The formatted result breaks by code.
- The formatted result gives compiler warnings.
- I or my company would be willing to help fix this.
Fantomas 4.6 branch at 1/1/1990
{ config with
EndOfLine = crlf
MaxValueBindingWidth = 40 }
Did you know that you can ignore files when formatting from fantomas-tool or the FAKE targets by using a .fantomasignore file?