Issue created from fantomas-online
module Foo =
let blah =
printfn ""
(fun bar ->
printfn ""
bar + "11111111111111111111111111111111"
module Foo =
let blah =
printfn ""
(fun bar ->
printfn ""
bar + "11111111111111111111111111111111")
Problem description
I was expecting MultiLineLambdaClosingNewline to result in retaining the newline in this lambda. It seems to be a problem when the lambda is the last expression in a function body.
Extra information
- The formatted result breaks by code.
- The formatted result gives compiler warnings.
- I or my company would be willing to help fix this.
Fantomas Master at 07/18/2021 11:37:23 - 23cefe5
{ config with
MultiLineLambdaClosingNewline = true }
Did you know that you can ignore files when formatting from fantomas-tool or the FAKE targets by using a .fantomasignore file?