Issue created from fantomas-online
Formatted code
namespace Test
type Foo =
| Bar
and internal Hi<'a> =
abstract Apply<'b> : Foo -> 'b
and [<CustomEquality>] Bang =
LongNameBarBarBarBarBarBarBar: int
override GetHashCode : unit -> int
Reformatted code
namespace Test
type Foo =
| Bar
and internal Hi<'a> =
abstract Apply<'b> : Foo -> 'b
and [<CustomEquality>] Bang =
LongNameBarBarBarBarBarBarBar: int
override GetHashCode : unit -> int
Problem description
Fantomas was not able to produce the same code after reformatting the result.
I haven't been able to make this example any smaller, I'm afraid. Fantomas reformats by adding an extra line above the last type definition.
Extra information
- The formatted result breaks by code.
- The formatted result gives compiler warnings.
- I or my company would be willing to help fix this.
Fantomas Master at 04/05/2021 16:09:34 - 31922c0
{ config with
MultilineBlockBracketsOnSameColumn = true }
Signature file
Did you know that you can ignore files when formatting from fantomas-tool or the FAKE targets by using a .fantomasignore file?