frudens Inc.
- Kanagawa, Japan
- frudens.com
1 Updated
Dec 28, 2023 -
filemaker-google-api Public
A solution for integrating Google API (Drive / Gmail / Calendar) from FileMaker.
aws-api-sig-v4-filemaker Public
A sample file for learning to request AWS API (signature v4) from FileMaker and a file for custom functions.
1 UpdatedFeb 25, 2023 -
fmsimplecalendar Public
fmSimpleCalendar is a solution that displays a calendar in FileMaker’s Web viewer.
FMDataMigrationWrap Public
This is a wrapper script to specify the path, since it is tedious to specify the path when migrating multiple files.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 2, 2021 -
color-picker Public
We implemented a color picker without using JavaScript or Webviewer.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 26, 2020 -
fmoauth Public
fmOAuth is a solution for accessing APIs such as Google and Microsoft from FileMaker, and it consists only of scripts.
gofmdatamigration Public
goFMDataMigration is a command line tool for easy data migration using the FMDataMigration tool.
filemaker-chatwork Public
This is a sample file to request all APIs of Chatwork using "Insert from URL" of FileMaker.
2019年02月12日に実施したWebセミナー(FileMaker Pro Advanced とMicrosoft Graph APIを連携しよう!)のサンプルファイル
clip4d Public
clip4d is a solution that accesses FileMaker's clipboard using the Clipboard function of BaseElements Plugin.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 9, 2019 -
filemaker-conference-2018 Public
HTML UpdatedNov 9, 2018 -
sheetskv Public
sheetskv is a CLI tool for using Google Spreadsheets as the Key Value Store