Tagenal is a playground with a set of tools that enable experimentation in a cloud-native application.
The tools we use are:
- Relational Database Sharding with Vitess
- Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
- Complete Runtime Tracing and Observation with Jaeger
- Application State Monitoring with Grafana, Alertmanager and Promotheus
- Request Caching with Redis Cluster
- Caching with Redis Cluster
- APIs and Front-End Application
To run locally, tagenal needs:
- Have at least 10Gb of available RAM on the host
- Have Kubernetes / Minikube installed
- Have Golang version 1.15.x installed
- Install yq a YAML processor
- Install jsonnet-bundler (jb), allowing us to deal with jsonnet files
- Install
using your system's packet manager - Install
, the following commandgo get vitess.io/vitess/go/cmd/vtctlclient
can be used - Install
using your system's packet manager - Install
, the following commandgo get github.com/brancz/gojsontoyaml
can be used - Run the shell scripts that are located in
. These scripts will download the necessary basic libraries and repositories
In this quick start we will cover the following items:
- Setup the Kubernetes cluster
- Setup Jaeger
- Setup Traefik Proxy
- Setup the Vitess cluster
- Setup the Redis cluster
- Setup monitoring with Grafana, Prometheus and Alertmanager
- Setup the APIs and frontend
Once the quick start is over, we will have a fully setup application using distributed database systems.