NOTE: Development on and support for this theme has stopped. If you'd like to continue using/updating it feel free to fork the repository!
A not so minimal theme for the Chrome Developer Tools.
Caution: Frequent use of !important as it sadly is necessary to override the Dev Tools styles.
Tested on Mac.
Just locate the User Stylesheets
directory and override the Custom.css
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css
PC: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\Custom.css
Ubuntu (Chromium): ~/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css
Feel free to fork and customize the theme to your needs. Missing some selectors? Just navigate Chrome to chrome-devtools://devtools/devTools.css
and get a detailed list of nearly all possible selectors and their default styles.
To install grunt and dependencies
# sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
# npm install
Then to watch, compile and copy the files use
# grunt watch:mac