Up-to-date, detailed Windows 10 (64 Bit) build instructions. Part A - Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. #3733
The windows build instructions are insufficient/out of date and there is a need for a new guide with more verbose detailed instructions.
Hi I'm a new (want to be) user who stumbled upon Fritzing a week ago. I thought I'd compile Fritzing from source code, given the paid binary download was the only other option and I have no idea at this stage if Fritzing is for me or not.
I thought this would be a relatively easy process, but it has not been and I've spent a very large chunk of the week trying to repeatedly compile Fritzing, and ultimately failing. I've a lot of patience but the process has felt like a battle. I feel, rightly or wrongly, that the windows build instructions are too vague/out of date/incorrect (bits of), or are only of use to professional programmers. As such they are a road block to new Fritzing users and I suspect a lot of people just move on along onto other more accessible packages.
As a further constructive aside - I think offering a trial version binary (e.g. 1 wk use) to prospective new users would also be a more engaging option, allowing for a brief evaluation which should hopefully lead to more payments for the full version.
Proposed Solution
From the user perspective there is a need for a detailed build instructions guide. I further believe the guide should be Part A - Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (free and accessible) and Part B - Using QtCreator, which I note is the preferred route but there are little instructions on doing this. I've attempted to compile Fritzling with the Part A approach as it was very accessible and I'd never come across QtCreator before. A large chunk of the battle (I mean effort!) is in getting Qt compiled which put me off of Qt(/Creator) - unzipping alone is an 8minute effort (260k files, 26k folders) with a 2.5hr Qt build time (each attempt...).
Such detailed (even verbose) instructions should be tuned a user who is proficient in using computers but who has little to no background in developing complex computer code.
Ultimately, a comprehensive guide consisting of detailed build instructions will lead to more Fritzing users which surely is a good thing for the community?
Please be clear that my words are meant entirely in a positive and encouraging light. I'll happily summarise my command line build attempts in a post(s) below which may, or may not, be useful to such a proposed guide for Part A. At the very least it might be helpful to others, who like myself, are attempting to compile a windows version of Fritzing. If such a post is more appropriately done on the forum rather than on github please just let me know. I'd also like to ask some questions and get some help in a bid to successfully complete a Part A style Fritzing 0.94 build (Windows 10 64bit, Qt 5.15.1 compile, libgit2 1.1.0, boost 1.74.0). Is that too a more appropriate posting for the forum, or on here?