K8s configuration & Docker image with admin tools to analyse K8s clusters and their workloads.
Includes the following tools:
- curl
- ip
- ifconfig
- ping
- route
- traceroute
- dig
- nslookup
- host
- arp
- ipmaddr
- iptunnel
- nameif
- mii-tool
- vim
- wget
- openssl
- amicontained
# check out to destination of your choice, e.g.
git clone git@github.com:fritzduchardt/k8s-admin-shell.git ~/projects/github/k8s-admin-shell
# add source config_rc.sh to your shell rc, e.g.:
source ~/projects/github/k8s-admin-shell/config_rc.sh
./scripts/k8s_admin_shell.sh --help
# Qemu strategy: https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/#qemu
docker build --platform arm64 -t registry.friclu/k8s-admin-shell:arm .