Description of data and scripts used by Freitas & Nery (2020).
All data was obtained at OrthoDB v9.1.
The script was used to get all orthologous IDs related wih Insecta from the table of cluster ids file. Next the script parsed the map cluster ids to gene ids file to create a new "all cluster ids to gene ids" file for Arthropoda;
The script was used to create one fasta file for each orthologous group using the fasta files for Metazoa and the "all cluster ids to gene ids" file for Arthropoda.
The script was used to create single-copy fasta files for each orthologous group.
The script was to run mafft and Gblocks to align and remove gap-rich regions.
The script was used to select orthologous groups that were used to estimate the divergence time.
The script was used to create CAFE's input table.