Various configuration files for my user and system settings. Most files can be
copied to the appropriate directory. Note that the etc
and boot
are relative to the root.
Some additional tweaking is required for some settings. They are detailed in below.
Modify the fmask
and dmask' values in
/etc/fstab` for the /boot
device to
address the:
...the random seed file is world accessible, which is a security hole!
Download the Volantes cursors, uncompress, and install.
tar zxf volantes-cursors.tar.gz
cd volantes_cursors
mkdir -p $HOME/.icons/default
cp -vr . $HOME/.icons/default
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme default
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 48
ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolve.conf /etc/resolv.conf
hostnamectl hostname purpledragon
systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
systemctl start systemd-networkd.service
sytemctl enable systemd-resolved.service
sytemctl start systemd-resolved.service
pacman -S --needed cups cups-browsed avahi nss-mdns
cp -r etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d /etc/systemd
cp etc/nsswitch.conf /etc
systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service
systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
systemctl enable cups.service
systemctl start cups.service
systemctl enable fstrim.timer
systemctl start fstrim.timer
pacman -S --needed pacman-contrib
systemctl enable paccache.timer
systemctl start paccache.timer
To be performed if Pipewire, Wireplumber and other audio subsystems are installed.
systemctl --user enable --now pipewire pipewire.service
systemctl --user enable --now pipewire pipewire-pulse.service
openal is needed for the OpenRGB Effects Plugin.
pacman -S --needed qt5-wayland openal
git clone $HOME/projects/git
cd $HOME/projects/git/openrgb
makepkg --clean --cleanbuild --install --needed --rmdeps --syncdeps
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
pacman -S --needed awesome xorg xorg-xinit xsel picom adriconf
Install Zoom and dependencies:
pacman -S --needed pipewire-v4l2 qt5-wayland xdg-desktop-portal \
git clone $HOME/projects/git
cd $HOME/projects/git/zoom
makepkg --clean --cleanbuild --install --needed --rmdeps --syncdeps
After first launch $HOME/.config/zoomus.conf
will exist. Edit the file and set
the following values:
Modify the Exec=
line in /usr/share/applications/Zoom.desktop
Exec=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland /usr/bin/zoom %U