- Zaragoza
- http://francho.org/
Some experiments with different platforms/frameworks
Tutorial de Electrónica Digital con FPGAs libres
Scratch Blocks is a library for building creative computing interfaces.
Quit messing up your perfectly formatted javascript code with html
JavaScript widgets, including the Pin It button.
Cucumber features for building Conway's game of life
Portal de Transparencia del Gobierno de Aragón
francho / DateSlider
Forked from bendemboski/DateSliderAn alternative DatePicker for Android
Lámpara para monitorizar trabajos de integración continua en Jenkins
Professional local community directory created with node.js and redis. Online at: directorio.cachirulovalley.com
Examples and experiments from http://francho.org
Android Temperature Converter Tests
danilat / groovy_koans
Forked from cjudd/groovy_koansA set of Koans to teach the Groovy language
GreenDroid is a development library for the Android platform. It makes UI developments easier and consistent through your applications.