mysql-size-estimator is a simple tool to estimate mysql table size for given table schema. It's not 100% accurate nor it could ever be. It's much better to use this tool to give an insight.
The string fields would consume its limits. Assuming you have a utf-8 string field with 10 character limit; estimator would calculate like this field is fully filled with 3 byte characters. (I am planing to make it better and sane soon.)
git clone
cd mysql-size-estimator
python install
or from sql file :
mysql-size-estimator file create1.sql
if you don't have a create script use dummy feature
mysql-size-estimator dummy -c "id INT" -c "user_id INT" -c "name VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET latin1" -i "PRIMARY KEY id" -i "KEY idx_name (name)"
if you have specific row counts to do the estimation you can write them aswell
mysql-size-estimator dummy -c "id INT" -r 1000000 -r 14000000 -r 1700000
pull data directly from db :
mysql -e 'SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.user\G' --skip-column-names | awk 'NR > 2' | mysql-size-estimator file -
check out what would change if you add/change an index (names should be unique) :
... | mysql-size-estimator file - -i "KEY idx_category(category, created_at)"
if the results seems absurd check out string fields and re-arrange their size on fly. or even change their data type.
... | mysql-size-estimator file - -c "text1 VARCHAR(10)" -c "text2 TEXT(100)"
I would be very happy if you decide to contribute. Check out TODO.txt (my simple todo list) if you want to get an opinion of what I want to achieve. I am also open to ideas.
Please make sure you make the code would be less complicated and have more test coverage with each commit.